Hello lovelies!
So Christmas has come and gone and it left us some beautiful presents as you have seen. Here I show you some of my presents my (lovely in my opinion) burgundy hat and my black and white blouse. I have always admired women who wore hats but I have never found one that fits me and looks good so this one was a "miracle". I really like it and I think you'll see it very often on my posts.
Hope you like it!
S-a dus si Craciunul, ne-a lasat cadouri frumoase si multe momente de neuitat alaturi de cei dragi. Astept de ceva timp sa va arat aceasta palarie, de care m-am indragostit complet. Mult timp am admirat persoanele care alegeau acest accesoriu si nu-mi gaseam "perechea". Insa in acest an rezolvat si aceasta "problema". Pentru fiecare din noi exista modelul potrivit asa ca sa o stapaniti sanatoase daca ati gasit-o si nu incetati cautarile in caz contrar.
Sper sa va placa!