marți, 29 ianuarie 2013

Snow globe


Hello lovelies! 
As you have seen snow has come again. It was kind of a surprise because last week it seemed that spring is just around the corner. So because it was cold again I decided to give it a go to this sweater + shirt combination. I chose to wear also a statement necklace, which was made by my lovely darling Julie, in case you were wondering. I find that the outfit is very simple and anyone can do this kind of mixing, the unique touch comes from what pieces you chose to combine. Because I took the pictures while it was snowing I find it they seem like an interior from a snow globe. Is it just me?
Hope you like it!

Dupa cum ati vazut ai venit zapada peste noi din nou. A fost oarecum o supriza avand in vedere ca saptamana trecuta vremea a fost foarte frumoasa si primavara parea ca o sa vina mai devreme. Asa ca am decis sa incerc si eu combinatia pulover + camasuta. Mi se pare o combinatie foarte usor de realizat, de oricine si potrivita pentru diferite situatii. Pentru a completa tinuta am ales sa port un colier statement, realizat de lovely darling Julie. Cand am facut pozele inca ningea si flugii acestia micuti imi par ca din interiorul unui globulet cu zapada, Mie se pare doar mie?
Sper sa va placa!

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duminică, 27 ianuarie 2013


Hello lovelies!
It's freezing again and we decided to go for a quick walk in the parc with our baby Pinkie, she loves snow and even though it's so cold she would like to stay outside a whole day playing in the snow.
For today I chose a simple outfit with some old pieces that you've already seen and some new ones like this feminine bomber jacket that I absolutely love. It has 2 faces: one is made out of sheer and the other one looks like a really thin leather, I just love it. My mom bought it, she always buys me a lot of clothes <3. 
I paired the faux  leather leggings and the bomber jacket with this beautiful blouse which is from H&M Mama and it was only 1 euro..what?! (lucky me). I wore again my hat, I totally need another one maybe a beige one or a pink one ( yes, yes <3)
I hope you'll like it!

Iar este ger afara dar macar azi a fost frumos fiind zapada proaspata asa ca am mers la o scurta plimbare prin parc mai mult pentru Pinkie pentru ca ar sta toata ziua in zapada, o adora <3
Am ales o tinuta simpla cu cateva piese mai vechi si cateva noi cum ar fi aceasta jacheta bomber foarte feminina care are doua fete, imi place enorm de mult, a fost un cadou de la mami care imi cumpara mereu muulte haine <3. Bluza cu imprimeu geometric este o achizitie de la H&M mama si a costat doar 1 euro ( lucky me).
Am purtat iar palaria, imi place foarte mult si e clar ca mai trebuie sa imi iau una, poate una crem sau una roz ( daaa, as fi super fericita cu una roz!)
Sper sa va placa!

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vineri, 25 ianuarie 2013

My new obsession

Hello lovelies!
I'm introducing my new obsession: printed pants/trousers. As you can see above these are some bloggers that already wear this trend. At the begining I didn't like it that much but soon I understood it. It's a statement like a statement jewellery. That's why my advice would be that if you decide to wear this kind of pants tone them down with a simple blouse and neutral colours. I have started the "hunt"for the perfect ones. Click here if you want to see more.

Va prezint noua mea obsesie: pantalonii cu imprimeu. La inceput nu m-a convins acest trend si credeam ca o sa treaca destul de repede, insa se pare ca nu e chiar asa si incet incet a inceput sa-mi placa. Acest tip de pantaloni trebuie purtati cu bluze, pulovere cat mai simple si in culori neutre sau non-culori: alb, negru. Ei sunt suficient de "tari", sunt o "declaratie", deci avem nevoie de simplitate in rest. Eu am inceput sa caut perechea potrivita pentru mine, click aici daca vreti sa vedeti mai multe

miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2013

Flare jeans

Hello lovelies!
Today I'll show you an outfit that I really like with my new flare jeans. When I was 13 - 16 years old these jeans were my absolutely favorite ones, then the skinny jeans appeared and I found a new love but now I started again to love  flare jeans, they make your legs look longer and you can wear them even if your legs aren't perfect.
I paired them with a fluffy striped sweater that I looove and a silk shirt with tiny dots. 
As for the accesories, I wore a tiny bag that I think looks really good with the flare jeans, some statement necklaces and bracelets.
Hope you like it!

Azi va arat o tinuta care imi place foarte mult. Am pornit de la noii / vechii blugi evazati, noi pentru ca e prima data cand ii port si vechi pentru ca i-am cumparat acum cateva luni. Cand eram mai mica (13-16 ani) adoram blugii evazati si aveam foarte multe perechi dar apoi au aparut blugii skinny si am renuntat complet la cei evazati. Iata ca acum, dupa muuult timp imi plac iar blugii evazati si din nefericire se gasesc mult mai greu. Imi plac mult deoarece fac picioarele sa para mult mai lungi si oricine ii poate purta deoarece mascheaza picioarele care nu sunt perfect drepte.
Am purtat blugii cu un puloveras pufos in dungi si o bluza de matase cu buline. In ceea ce priveste accesoriile am purtat o gentuta mica, care dupa parerea mea se potriveste foarte bine cu blugii, coliere si bratari statement.
Sper sa va placa !

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duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

Why wait for summer

 Hello lovelies!
How was your week? Because it's sunday I decided to show you this outfit for a relaxing and comfortable weekend. It's some basic pieces with a special touch. For example this sweater, it's a normal one but it has a knotted collar which takes him out of the ordinary.  I paired it up with a pair of shorts (you've already seen them here that I like a lot and I don't want to wait until it's summer again to wear them. What do you think? 
Hope you like it!

Avand in vedere ca astazi este duminica si trebuie sa ne relaxam, sa ne incarcam bateriile pentru o noua saptamana, am ales sa va arat aceasta tinuta foarte comfortabila. Imi place foarte mult acest pulover tocmai datorita gulerului. L-am asortat cu o pereche de blugi scurti (pe care i-ati vazut aici) si biker boots. Ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa!

vineri, 18 ianuarie 2013

DIY Chain braided necklace

Hello lovelies!
Today I show you a very easy tutorial on how to do a gorgeous chain braided necklace. I know there are a lot of tutorials on the internet but I thought maybe you haven't seen them or you'll like this one better. 
Well let's start!

Astazi va arat un tutorial foarte usor: cum sa va confectionati singure un colier impletit. Sunt multe tutoriale pe net dar m-am gandit ca poate nu ati vazut pana acum sau chiar daca ati vazut, o sa placa si acesta.
Sa incepem!

Click HERE for the tutorial

miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

How I survived the sale season

Hello my lovelies!
Taking in consideration that it's sales season we decide to do a post with a few tips or rules which will help you "survive" with some money in your pocket.
Hope you like it!

Avand in vedere ca suntem in plin sezon de reduceri ne-am hotarat sa va acordam cateva sfaturi pentru a putea achizitiona ce va doriti fara sa ramaneti cu buzunaerele goale.
Sper sa va placa!

luni, 14 ianuarie 2013

Loving animal print

Hello lovelies!
What can I say about this outfit? I received the tights for my name day from my lovely darling Deea. I wanted a pair for a long time and finally I got one! I paired them with one of my favorites lbd. To add some color I wore an orange coat. I am not a fan of that color but this one in particularly I really like.
As for the accessories, I chose a statement piece ( loooove statement necklaces and rings <3), another gift from my darling <3 and a furry collar.
To tone down a little the outfit I wore a pair of basic leather boots.
I hope you like it and feel free to hare you opinion!

Am sa incep sa vorbesc despre acest dres minunat pe care l-am primit de la darling de ziua mea de nume. De foarte mult timp imi doream o pereche si in sfarsit am una, yey! I-am purtat cu una din rochitele mele negre, un sacou portocaliu ca sa adaug putina coloare ( nu sunt fana a acestei culori, dar acest sacou imi place enorm).
Ca accesorii am ales un colier statement, tot un cadou de la Deea si un guleras din blanita.
Pentru a "calma"putin tinuta, am ales sa port o pereche de cizme din piele clasice.
Sper sa va placa si ne-ar face placere sa ne imparatasiti parerile voastre!

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sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013

Emerald green

   Hello lovelies!                      
This cold weather is a pain in the ass I have to say! We want to show you the outfits we wear underneath the coat because otherwise you'll see the same thing over and over again. I lost my hat a couple of days ago and I recently bought a new one which is really thick and warm. I love this shirt! It was a present from my lovely darling and she added the extra studs on the collar, giving the shirt an extra touch. I chose to wear it with simple black pants and with biker boots. Also the bag is one of my Christmas presents that I like a lot!
Hope you like it!
P.S Would you like us to write a post about sales?

Nu mai suport frigul!Noi incercam sa va aratam tinutele noastre de sub paltoane si haine groase, tocmai pentru a va inspira (speram noi) sa faceti si voi noi combinatii, deoarece stim cat de dificil e sa faci acest lucru iarna. In ceea ce priveste tinuta mea, ador aceasta camasa! Am primit-o cadou de la Julie, de Sf. Andrei si imi place tot la ea, culoarea, materialul, forma, tot si nu mai spun de tintele adaugate pe guleras care o fac si mai speciala. Gentuta este cea primita de Craciun, am decis sa o "scot in lume".
Sper sa va placa!
P.S V-ar placea sa scriem un post cu cateva sfaturi privind cumparaturile in perioada de reduceri?

marți, 8 ianuarie 2013


Hello lovelies!
I just want to say that I hate this cold weather when your face is freezing and you can't feel your hands. Well, here is an outfit that I wore with a coat, scarf, beanie, gloves..but I decided I'll show you only what was underneath all that. I wore my new faux leather leggings that I really like..they were really hard to find and I don't know why because everywhere I look I see a girl with a pair. I matched them with a long blouse ( because that's the way you have to wear leggings..they are not pants so they should be worn without exposing your "everything".
I hope you like it and feel free to share your opinion!

Vreau sa va spun ca urasc vremea asta rece cand iti ingheata fata si nu iti mai simti mainile. O zi ca asta a fost ieri cand am facut pozele..aveam haina, caciula, manusi, fular dar le-am dat jos pentru cateva minute cat am facut pozele..oricum era frig si cu ele si fara.
Am purtat noii mei colanti din piele ecologica pe care i-am gasit foarte greu desi peste tot vad fete cu ceva asemanator. I-am purtat cu o bluza lunga asa cum se poarta orice colanti. Colantii nu sunt pantaloni si se poarta cu ceva mai lung pe deasupra. Astfel nu vom arata ca si cand nu avem pantaloni pe noi. Pentru mine ar fi o minune ca fetele sa inteleaga acest lucru minor ce tine pana la urma de decenta.
Sper sa va placa si ne-ar face placere daca ne-ati impartasi parerile voastre!

For more pictures click HERE

duminică, 6 ianuarie 2013

Happy new stylish year!

Hello lovelies!
Happy new year! For the first post of this year I chose an outfit that can keep you warm on cold days, but it also looks very stylish. For a bolder year I put on a statement necklace, and for a a classy year I chose this silky shirt and a faux fur vest. I think I started the year properly, hope it will be a great one.
Hope you like it!

La multi ani! Pentru primul post din acest an am ales o tinuta mai speciala, dar in acelasi timp si confortabila. O astfel de combinatie este si calduroasa si arata bine. Ca sa intampin noul an cum trebuie am ales acest colier statement, pentru putin curaj, aceasta camasa matasoasa pentru putin feminitate si vesta din blanita(artificiala) pentru putina caldura.
Sper sa va placa!

vineri, 4 ianuarie 2013

Happy and printed new year!


Hello lovelies!
Here is the first post of 2013! We hope to have a good year, full of inspiring outfits. So, I received these shoes form Santa and even though outside is freezing, I had to wear them. I am soo in love with them, I have another peep toe pair HERE. I wore them with a neutral outfit using brown and black. 
Hope you like it and feel free to share your opinion!

Primul post din 2013! Speram ca noul an sa fie unul bun si plin cu tinute inspirate. Cred ca deja ati vazut pantofiorii pe care mi i-a adus Mosul si pe care ii ador. Mai am o pereche asemanatoare dar deschisa la varfuri aici. Desi este foarte frig afara nu am mai rezistat si a trebuit sa ii port macar o data. I-am purtat cu o tinuta neutra compusa din culori preferate: nuante de maro si negru.
Sper sa va placa si ne-ar face mare placere sa va citim parerile!
For more pictures click HERE