Hello lovelies!
As you have seen snow has come again. It was kind of a surprise because last week it seemed that spring is just around the corner. So because it was cold again I decided to give it a go to this sweater + shirt combination. I chose to wear also a statement necklace, which was made by my lovely darling Julie, in case you were wondering. I find that the outfit is very simple and anyone can do this kind of mixing, the unique touch comes from what pieces you chose to combine. Because I took the pictures while it was snowing I find it they seem like an interior from a snow globe. Is it just me?
Hope you like it!
Dupa cum ati vazut ai venit zapada peste noi din nou. A fost oarecum o supriza avand in vedere ca saptamana trecuta vremea a fost foarte frumoasa si primavara parea ca o sa vina mai devreme. Asa ca am decis sa incerc si eu combinatia pulover + camasuta. Mi se pare o combinatie foarte usor de realizat, de oricine si potrivita pentru diferite situatii. Pentru a completa tinuta am ales sa port un colier statement, realizat de lovely darling Julie. Cand am facut pozele inca ningea si flugii acestia micuti imi par ca din interiorul unui globulet cu zapada, Mie se pare doar mie?
For more pictures click HERE