joi, 29 noiembrie 2012

Goodbye Autumn!


Hello lovelies!
Today I show you an outfit inspired by autumn's colors. I love brown and all his shades and I love how blondes look with this color. I decided to mix it with my burgundy pants, some burgundy accessories and high heels.
I hope you like it!

Azi va arat o tinuta inspirata din culorile toamnei. Imi place foarte mult culoarea maro si toate nuantele sale si de asemenea imi place cum arata blondele cu aceasta culoare. Am asortat maro-ul cu o pereche de pantaloni burgundy si accesorii de aceeasi culoare.
Sper sa va placa!

duminică, 25 noiembrie 2012

Yep you're seeing double

Hello lovelies!
Since we have some clothes that are the same we decided to do a post to show two different outfits with the same dress. We have the same taste in the matter of clothes but we have different styles. So from now on we'll show you one item and at least two ways to wear it.
Hope you like it!

Stim ca uneori e dificil sa realizezi diferite combinatii pentru aceeasi piesa vestimentara si tocmai de aceea ne-am hotarat sa va aratam doua tinute cu acelasi punct central. Desi de multe ori ne plac aceleasi lucruri, cu siguranta le asortam diferit. De acum o sa va aratam cat de des putem o piesa vestimentara si doua tinute.
Speram sa va placa!

marți, 20 noiembrie 2012

Le rouge et le noir

Hello lovelies!
How is your week? For this post I chose a bicolor outfit. I love pleated skirts. I think they have a certain something. Although this one is a simple one the fact that it's monochromatic it's a plus because you can combine it with a lot of different pieces. I combined the skirt with a simple black sweater for an appropriate outfit for this kind of weather. I like that this kind of look is comfortable yet chic. 

De data aceasta am ales o tinuta bicolora. Cred ca am mai spus-o, dar imi plac enorm fustele plisate. Mi se pare ca au ceva aparte. Desi aceasta este una simpla, uni, tocmai acest aspect imi place cel mai mult. Este mult mai usor de asortat(:D). Am ales sa port fustita cu un pulover simplu, negru astfel incat sa fie o tinuta potrivita pentru aceasta vreme.
Sper sa va placa!

luni, 19 noiembrie 2012

Fall flowers

Hello lovelies!
Winter is almost here, it's really, really cold but that doesn't mean we can't dress lovely. I chose to wear this awesome dress with a great pattern that I absolutely love. I really loved the way those flowers looked with all the leaves around me <3. It was really cold, so I wore a nude coat with a little bow ( soo cute <3).
Hope you like it!

Aproape a venit iarna, afara este foarte frig dar asta nu inseamna ca nu ne putem imbraca frumos. Eu am ales sa port o rochita minunata cu un imprimeu pe care il ador. Mi-a placut foarte mult cum aratau florile de pe rochita cu frunzele multicolore din jurul meu <3. Am purtat un paltonas bej cu o mica fundita la gat ( ce draguut).
Sper sa va placa!

sâmbătă, 17 noiembrie 2012

The coat

Hello lovelies!
Sometimes it may look like the cold weather and "fashion" don't go hand in hand. It seems that you are forced to choose between comfortable and warm clothes or beautiful one yet you are going to be a little bit cold. But if you give it a bit of thought you can choose both nice and warm outfits. So choose thick coats that keep you warm, but the ones that flatter your body shape. As for the other items of my outfit they were a basic black pencil skirt and a printed blouse.
Hope you like it!

Cateodata, mai ales cand vine frigul, avem impresia ca cele doua elemente, vremea friguroasa si moda, nu se inteleg prea bine. Dar daca alegem cu atentie piesele de iarna putem obtine o tinuta draguta si cand gradele din termometre sunt din ce in ce mai putine. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu sunt de acord sa te imbraci frumos si sa ingheti de frig! De aceea ar fi bine sa investim intr-un palton calduros, dar potrivit pentru statura si silueta fiecareia. 
Sper sa va placa!

miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012

Burgundy and military

Hello lovelies!
Today I show you a very cozy outfit and autumn appropriate. I found this old sweater that belongs to my mother and I added a white collar to make it more special. I just love it, especially the color: burgundy <3. It's so good when you find old clothes that are so in right now. I chose to wear it with a pair of khaki shorts, a coat with the same color, my fav over-the-knee boots and a fluffy scarf. I really like the mix between burgundy and military.
I hope you like it too!

Astazi va arat o tinuta foarte comfortabila si potrivita oentru toamna. Am gasit puloverul acesta prin dulapul mamei mele si am hotarat sa ii atasez un guleras alb ca sa il fac mai special. Este super atunci cand gasesti haine vechi de care probabil uitasei sau nici nu stiai ca exista in garderoba ta si iti dai seama ca se poarta in momentul respectiv!Imi place foarte muuult acest puloveras in special culoarea lui. L-am purtat cu o pereche de pantaloni scurti kaki, un palton de aceeasi culoare, cizmele mele preferate peste genunchi si un fular foarte pufos.Imi place foarte mult combinatia intre burgundy si military.
Sper sa va placa si voua!

luni, 12 noiembrie 2012

Shades of blue

Hello lovelies!
The denim shirt it's a trend that almost never went out of style. Sometimes it's worn a lot and you see it everywhere and sometimes it's reinvented, but it's never gone. So I encourage you to invest some money in one, the perfect one for you, because the denim shirt it's very versatile. It doesn't matter if it's dark washed or it's a lighter blue. You just have to decide what kind you like and you need. In my outfit I used the shirt as a layer having a lace blouse underneath but you can simply wear just the shirt. 
Hope you like it!

Camasa de blugi e una dintre piesele despre care nu poti spune niciodata ca e demodata. Trendurile se schimba intr-adevar, dar mai tot timpul gasim camasile de blugi in colectiile magazinelor, fie ca sunt simple, fie ca sunt reinventate cu tinte, franjuri sau in diferite culori. De aceea cred ca poate fi o investitie buna, trebuie doar sa alegem modelul care ne place si ne avantajeaza. 
Sper sa va placa!

sâmbătă, 10 noiembrie 2012

Animal print

Hello lovelies!
Today's outfit is a very casual and cozy one, I wore it for lunch yesterday when it was a cold day.
I wore my fluffy sweater from H&M that I absolutely love, I have another one in coral (). I pair it with my bf's shirt ( I don't know why I can't find a shirt for girls, the ones for boys are so beautiful and you can find them everywhere) and my animal print pants. I can believe how much I like them, two years ago I was against any item with animal print and now I am totally in love with it. I think everyone can wear animal print but it's very important how you match it. If you don't feel comfortable with a lot of prints you can wear a simple outfit and add an animal print bag or shoes.
I hope you'll like the photos!

Azi va prezint o tinuta simpla si comfortabila, am purtat-o ieri la pranz cand a fost destul de frig. Am purtat puloverasul meu pufos de la h&m pe care il ador cu o camasa a prietenului meu ( nu stiu de ce nu gasesc o camasa frumoasa de fete, cele pentru baieti sunt asa frumoase si se gasesc oriunde!) si cu pantalonii mei animal print. Nu imi vine sa cred cat de mult imi plac! Acum 2 ani eram total impotriva hainelor si accesoriilor animal print iar acum imi plac foarte mult. Eu cred ca toata lumea poate purta animal print dar este foarte important cum! Daca esti o persoana care prefera lucrurile simple si nu cu foarte multe imprimeuri, poti purta o tinuta simpla la care sa adaugi o geanta sau pantofi animal print.
Sper sa va placa!

joi, 8 noiembrie 2012

Office look

Hello lovelies! 
For today I decided to show you a modern and feminine twist of the office look. How can say that you can't look good at the office too? I think that clothes are the way to express our personality. When you see someone's clothes you can say a couple of words about them even if you haven't met until then. So for an office look we need a skirt and a shirt. But insted of the classic pencil skirt we have one with peplum and instead of a white or light blue one we have the copper one. 
What do you think? Hope you like it!

Pentru astazi am hotarat sa va arat o tinuta pentru birou sau poate chiar pentru un interviu. Cateodata avem nevoie si de o astfel de tinuta. Cred ca hainele sunt o modalitate de a ne evidentia personalitatea, motiv pentru care va propun o "reinterpretare" a tinutei clasice pentru birou. In locul fustei negre tip creion avem o fusta cu peplum si in locul camasii albe avem una aramie. Ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa! 

marți, 6 noiembrie 2012



Hello lovelies!
Finally I can show you the outfit I wore at the fair we went last week, It's a very simple  and feminine one. I love dresses and I wear them even if outside it's very cold, I advise you to wear your summer dresses with tights, cardigans and jackets. When you want to invest in  a dress, you should choose a versatile one that can be worn as a skirt, as a blouse and also when it's hot or when it's cold, with the right accessories.
I chose to wear this beautiful simple dress with my faux fur vest, an electric blue overcoat and my all time fav shoes, the pink ones.
I hope you'll enjoy it!

In sfarsit va arat tinuta pe care am purtat-o la targul de saptamana trecuta. Este o tinuta foarte simpla si feminina. Iubesc rochitele si le port chiar si cand e frig afara, va sfatuiesc sa purtati rochitele de vara cu dres, puloverase si gecute. Cand vreti sa investiti intr-o rochie ar trebui sa alegeti una versatila pe care o puteti purta ca fusta, ca bluza si atunci cand este cald dar si frig cu accesoriile potrivite.
Eu am ales sa port aceasta rochita simpla cu vesta de blanita, un pardesiu albastru electric si pantofii mei preferati roz.
Sper sa va placa!

duminică, 4 noiembrie 2012

Fall dress

Hey lovelies!
 This sweater dress is a recent purchase from H&M and I wore it to go to a local fair. I like the fact that it's simple and yet classy and it's not a problem how to wear it. The sweater dress is a very popular item during colder seasons and it can be mixed and matched in a lot of ways.As you can see my outfit it's really simple a sweater dress, a vintage black clutch and I had a black overcoat. Altough it may seem that stripes are my favourite print it's not that true. I think that stripes can be an advantage just for some tipes of body shapes.
Hope you like it!

Asa cum am promis va aratam mai multe poze cu tinutele noastre din ziua in care am intalnit-o pe Dana Rogoz. Aceasta rochita din tricot imi place foarte mult deoarece este simpla si totusi mi se pare destul de eleganta. Rochiile din tricot sunt alternativa mai calduroasa a celor de vara si pot fi combinate si accesorizate intr-o multitudine de variante. Desi ar parea ca dungile sunt imprimeul meu favorit, nu-i chiar asa deoarece acest tip de imprimeu nu avantajeaza orice tip de silueta. Dupa cum puteti vedea tinuta mea a fost una foarte simpla, accesorizata cu un plic negru si un palton in aceiasi culoare.
Sper sa va placa!

vineri, 2 noiembrie 2012

Studded collar

Hello lovelies!What can I say about this outfit?  The center piece is the studded collar of the shirt, I love this shirt but I wanted to make it more special so I added some studs, I really like the result. I chose to wear it with a pair of ripped jeans, I loove jeans and this pair is one of my favorite. The balzer is another fav piece in my wardrobe, I absolutely love his color, again dusty pink <3.
I was wearing a pair of flats with snake pattern but unfortunately you can't see them too well.
I really hope you like it!

In crearea acestei tinute am pornit de la camasa cu gulerul din tinte. Imi place foarte mult aceasta camasa dar am vrut sa o fac mai speciala asa ca i-am adaugat cateva tinte si sunt foarte incantata de rezultat.  Am purtat-o cu o pereche de blugi putin rupti, imi plac foarte mult blugii iar aceasta pereche e una din preferatele mele. Sacoul este o alta piesa preferata, ii ador culoarea roz prafuit <3. Am purtat o pereche de balerini cu imprimeu de sarpe dar nu se vad foarte bine.
Sper sa va placa!