vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

Nice and easy

Almost always less is more. That’s way I chose to wear just a dress and a jacket. It’s true the dress has a print but as you can see it’s not a bold one. Summer days are long gone and now we have to wear a jacket. When I took the photos was still warm but now it’s kind of chilly. Don’t worry you can wear this outfit with thicker tights and maybe a cardigan underneath the jacket. For someone who doesn’t want to stand out it’s the perfect outfit a bit feminine but yet comfortable and stylish.
Hope you like it!

De cele mai multe ori e bine sa alegem tinute nu prea incarcate. De aceea am ales sa port o rochita si o jacheta. Intr-adevar rochita are un imprimeu floral insa e destul de micut incat nu iese in evidenta. Avand in vedere ca vara s-a terminat de-a binelea n-avem alta solutie decat sa adauga o jacheta mai groasa tinutelor noastre. Cand am facut pozele inca mai erau cateva raze de soare, din pacate acum toamna si-a cam intrat in drepturi. Cu toate acestea putem sa purtem o astfel de tinuta si in zilele mai racoroase daca adaugam o pereche de dresuri groase si un puloveras pe sub jacheta. Cred ca acest tip de combinatie este perfect pentru un look feminin si comfortabil in acelasi timp.

Dress: Atmosphere
Necklace: Primark
Jacket: Stradivarius
Bracelet: No name
Ballerinas: H&M

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