It seems like the weather is listening to Katy Perry’s song
Hot&Cold. During the week end it rained and it was really cold now the sun
is up again. Well better for us because we can still wear some of the summer
clothes. This is what I did and I wore my denim shorts. I added a thick
cardigan and a blouse instead of a
t-shirt how I would normally wear them during the summer. Denim shorts are kind
of a basic piece because you can mix them up with a lot of things and as you
can see and you can wear them a long period of time starting with late spring
and ending with autumn.
Hope you like it!
In ultima saptamana vremea a fost
foarte schimbatoare. Daca in week end am avut parte de ploi si vreme racoroasa,
acum a iesit soarele din nou. Eu incerc sa profit de astfel de zile sa mai port
inca putin haine de vara. De aceea m-am hotarat sa port niste jeansi scurti,
dar de data aceasta i-am asortat cu o bluza si cu o cardigan destul de gros.
Pantalonii scurti de blugi pot fi o piesa de baza in garderoba oricui deoarece
pot fi asortati cu multe lucruri si de asemenea pot fi purtati o perioada lunga
de timp, de la sfarsitul primaverii pana in toamna.
Sper sa va placa!
Pentru mai multe poze, click AICI
Denim shorts: Stradivarius
Blouse: Stradivarius
Cardigan: Terranova
Ring, right hand bracelt: Diy
Left hand bracelet: Vintage
ma faceti sa imi fie dor de Bucuresti :(