duminică, 14 octombrie 2012

Rainy Day

E oficial! Toamna a venit, afara este foooarte frig si din cand in cand mai si ploua! Nu imi place deloc ploaia cand este frig dar trebuie sa ne adaptam si sa ii gasim aspectele pozitive!
Asa ca, desi nu imi place cand ploua, sunt in acelasi timp incantata deoarece pot sa port diverse umbrelute deosebite cum ar fi aceasta transparenta cu inimioare pe care o ador <3. 
Desi nu mai ploua, am decis sa ne plimbam prin parc si sa ne bucuram de mirosul superb dupa ploaie <3. Am ales sa ma imbrac foarte comod si calduros cu o rochita neagra simpla, un pulovaras foarteee pufos si ca tinuta sa nu fie foarte girly mai ales datorita umbrelei, am optat pentru cizmulitele biker pe care in sfarsit le-am gasit asa cum imi doream.
Sper sa va placa!

It's official! Autumn is here, outside it's veeery cold and sometimes it rains! I hate the rain especially when it's cold but we have to adapt and find the good things about it!
So, even though i don't like the rain, I'm happy that I can wear cute umbrellas like this transparent one with pink hearts on it.
We went for a walk in the park and even if the rain stopped we decided to take some pictures with my favorite umbrella. I chose to wear something very comfortable and cozy: a little black dress with a fluffy sweater and some biker boots to compensate the girly look.
Hope you like it!


Dress: Atmosphere
Sweater: Vintage
Biker boots: Shoes World
Belt: Musette
Bag: M30
Ring: Primark
Necklace: DIY
Umbrella: Primark

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