marți, 30 aprilie 2013

Pink crew

Hello lovelies! I think you already know I am kind of obsessed with pink, I just love this color! So imagine my joy when I heard about a fair where the dress code was Pink and purple. So I put together a total pink outfit that I absolutely looove and I went with one of my best friends and with some bloggers babes <3. We had a nice time all dressed up in pink!

Cred ca deja stiti ca sunt o mare fana a culorii roz, ador aceasta culoare! Asa ca, atunci cand am auzit de un targ unde tinuta trebuia sa fie roz sau lila am fost extrem de fericita! Asa ca m-am imbracat din cap pana in picioare in roz si am mers cu una din cele mai bune prietene si cu alte bloggerite <3 si am petrecut o dupa-amiaza dragute toate imbracate in roz <3
Sper sa va placa!

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duminică, 28 aprilie 2013

Pastels and the city

Hello lovelies!
I hope you are having a great week end. For today’s post I chose to wear one of my recent purchases. This blouse has a sheer texture which is great for spring when it’s getting warmer but not summer hot. Because it’s really see through I wore a white top underneath. I paired it up with some ripped jeans and peep toe shoes. I love it when the weather is so nice!
Hope you like it!

Sper ca aveti parte de un week end frumos! La multi ani tuturor floricelelor! Va uram o zi deosebita ca si numele special pe care il purtati! Pentru astazi am ales o tinuta semi-lejera de week end. Am asteptat ceva timp sa port aceasta bluzita, deoarece primavara a cam intarziat, dar acum ca soarele pare hotarat sa ramana am profitat si am asortat bluzita cu boyfriend jeans taiati.
Sper sa va placa!

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vineri, 26 aprilie 2013

Baroque touch

Hello lovelies!
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather, I sure am! Yesterday I wore this outfit to go out with some of my friends. I wanted so much to wear my new shorts that have a velvet baroque print! Just love them! I paired them with a casual tee that I won at a lovely giveaway hosted by Anaivilo and Tshirt Factory.
 So happy I can wear shorts, I love them and I can't wait to show you my little collection!
Hope you like it!
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miercuri, 24 aprilie 2013

Starring Audrey Hepburn

Hello lovelies!
I hope your week it's going well! Now it's my turn to show you my outfit for the Hollywood themed event. Of course one thing that shouldn't miss from a Hollywood event are the stars! Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorite actresses and contrary to popular opinion my favorite movie with her is Roman Holiday. I won this wonderful blouse in a giveaway and we I find out out this event I immediately knew what I was going to wear. I paired it up with black pants and a splash of pink color(yes I'm obsessed with this shoes). I almost forgot! I didn't left the event empty handed, I bought this wonderful watch that you can see in the pictures and  a pair of sunglasses that you'll see soon.
Hope you like it!

Sper ca aveti o saptamana minunata! Astazi este randul meu sa va arat tinuta purtata in cadrul evenimentului Meli Melo. Bineinteles de la un eveniment hollywoodian nu putea sa lipseasca starurile! Audrey Hepburn este una dintre actritele mele preferate. Desi cu siguranta cel mai popular film al ei este Breakfast at Tiffany's, preferatul meu este Roman Holiday. Eu nu sunt o persoana norocoasa in general, insa spre marea mea fericire am castigat aceasta bluzita in cadrul unui giveaway organizat de o alta bloggerita. Am fost foarte incantata cand am aflat despre acest eveniment si in mod automat aproape m-am hotarat in ce sa ma imbrac.
Sper sa va placa!

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luni, 22 aprilie 2013

Shine bright

Hello lovelies!
For today I prepared some special photos from a lovely event hosted by Meli Melo, we went to see their new collection Hollywood and there was a theme: dress like a Hollywood star: glitter, gold, silver. I chose to wear a sparkly golden outfit. I wore my favorite cardigan, a lace blouse, some gorgeous sparkly shorts borrowed from my lovely friend Laura and many golden accessories. We received some lovely gifts like this amazing studded clutch.
We spent a lovely afternoon and met with many beautiful bloggers.
Hope you'll enjoy the photos!

Azi am pregatit un post mai special cu poze de la un eveniment organizat de Meli Melo cu ocazia noii lor colectii Hollywood. Evenimentul a avut si o tema, Hollywood, evident. Eu am ales sa port o tinuta aurie sclipitoare. Ador sclipiciul asa ca nu a fost foarte greu: mi-am luat puloverasul meu preferat, o bluzita din dantela, pantalonasii superbi imprumutati de la prietena mea draga Laura si o multime de bijuterii aurii. Am primit si cadouri minunate cum ar fi acest clutch cu tinte.
Am petrecut o dupa amiaza foarte placuta cu o multime de bloggerite dragute.
Speram sa va placa pozele!

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sâmbătă, 20 aprilie 2013

In bloom

Hello lovelies!
Because the weather was so nice these couple of days I tried to enjoy it the most and spend most of my time outside. I went for a walk with some friends around Bucharest's downtown area and a little bit through the park where I saw this amazing pink tree. So my outfit for the day had to casual and relaxed. That's why I paired a printed blouse with jeans and a cropped jacket. It was the first time this season when I wore flats and I felt a little bit weird after all those boots during the winter, even my feet felt free. What about you? Did you enjoy these sunny days?
Hope you'll like it!

Imi place foarte mult cand ma trezesc si vad razele soarelui pe geam. Nu stiu daca si voi sunteti asa (astept parerile voastre) dar eu ma simt mai energica in zilele insorite, ma simt pregatita sa fac cat mai multe activitati. Am incercat sa profit cat mai mult de vremea frumoasa si am fost la o plimbare cu cateva prietene prin Centrul Vechi si apoi putin prin parc. Asa ca am ales o tinuta lejera, potrivita pentru planurile mele.
Sper sa va placa!

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joi, 18 aprilie 2013

Rebel burgundy

Hello lovelies! 
Today's outfit is a very simple and comfy one. It's a everyday look that you can wear for a walk in the park, for a drink with your friends, while running errands or for a shopping session.
I was dying to wear this burgundy skirt that I bought last winter, I love it so much, the color is amazing and the fabric is very soft <3
I am so happy Spring is here! 

Azi va arat o tinuta foarte simpla si comfortabila perfecta pentru o zi se cumparaturi, pentru o plimbare in parc, o iesire cu prietenele sau pentru diferitele activitati zilnice.
Am pornit tinuta de la aceasta fustita pe care de abia asteptam sa o port, asteapta sa iasa la plimbare de asta iarna si in sfarsit am avut ocazia.
Sunt foarte fericita ca a venit primavara!! <3

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luni, 15 aprilie 2013

Blue jean

Hello lovelies! 
I wish you a great week! For today I chose another floral outfit. These days I can't get enough of it. I think it's because everywhere I look I see blossomed trees, soft pink and white. It just makes me feel good and energetic. What about you? What "fashion cravings" do you have for this spring? I mixed up a denim shirt with a soft pink floral skirt and my pink high heel shoes. I adore these shoes! They have the perfect cut and I love their color.
Hope you like it!

Avand in vedere ca azi e luni si incepe o noua saptamana, va doresc una cat mai insorita si parfumata! In ultimele zile de cand primavara pare ca a sosit de tot, am dezvoltat o mica obsesie pentru imprimeurile florale. Cred ca aceasta obsesie este datorata pomilor infloriti pe care ii vad peste tot si multitudinii de culori. Am ales si eu o tinuta destula de colorata pentru astazi. Am combinat o camasa din denim cu o fustita inflorata roz. De data aceasta floricele sunt mai micute:D. Pe voi ce va tenteaza din punct de vedere al culorilor, imprimeurilor in aceasta primavara?
Sper sa va placa!
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vineri, 12 aprilie 2013

Animal print peplum

Hello lovelies!
It seems that Spring has finally come, I am so happy! Yesterday I was in the mood for some animal print and I decided to wear my new peplum top, I like it so much and it was really cheap! I wore it with a pair of flared white pants. I usually don't like white pants, especially the skinny ones but I absolutely love these, they are very comfortable and they are perfect for elegant and casual looks.
Hope you'll like it!

In sfarsit putem spune ca a venit primavara, sper sa ramana asa vremea frumoasa! Ieri am vrut sa port ceva animal print, deja stiti cat de mult imi place acest imprimeu si am ales sa port noua bluzita peplum care imi place foarte mult si a fost si ieftinuta. Am purtat-o cu o pereche de pantaloni albi evazati. In general nu imi plac pantalonii albi mai ales cei skinny dar acestia imi plac foarte mult, sunt comfortabili si perfecti atat pentru un look elegant cat si pentru unul casual.
Sper sa va placa!

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marți, 9 aprilie 2013

Navy blue: Lacey top & Floral bottom

Hello lovelies!
I decided to show you a sunny post like the weather today. This outfit has two of my favorite things: lace and floral print. I think this kind of outfit it's perfect for a sunny spring day. You can wear it when you go out for a coffee at your favorite place spending the day talking to your friends and remembering beautiful moments. I think I have already told you that I find lace very feminine and this floral skirt has been waiting for a while to be worn again. So here you have it!
Hope you'll like it!

Astazi am decis sa va arat o tinuta insorita si colorata precum ziua de azi. Aceasta tinuta contine doua dintre texturile mele preferate: dantela si imprimeul floral. Am "construit" tinuta pornind de la fustita "inflorata" si am decis sa adauga bluzita din dantela pentru a continua in aceeasi nota feminina. Cred ca ati putea purta o astfel de fustita si la birou cu o camasa simpla alba. Sunt sigura ca v-ar binedispune pentru intreaga zi. 
Sper sa va placa!
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duminică, 7 aprilie 2013

Pink and Pinkie

Hello lovelies!
Yesterday was a perfect day! I started it with some shopping with one of my bff's, I bought some gorgeous necklaces, some sunglasses ( Sun, please stay!), a beautiful scarf and some fake peonies for a DIY headband, I will show you that in the next posts.
So, what to wear on a beautiful sunny day? My answer: PINK, you know I am obsessed with this color. Because I knew that I have to wear one of the new necklaces ( the biggest and shiniest one), it was very easy to create an outfit. So I went with a pink shirt ( bought on sales from h&m, yey!), a pair of ripped jeans with my beloved pink shoes and my new pink sunglasses, I know, I know, there is a lot of PINK but I love it and I can't help it!
Hope you'll like it!

Ieri a fost o zi perfecta, am inceput-o dis de dimineata cu o sesiune de cumparaturi cu o foarte buna prietena, am cumparat cateva coliere superbe, cateva perechi de ochelari de soare ( soare, te rog sa ramai!), o esarfa foarte draguta si cativa bujori falsi pentru un DIY pe care vi-l voi prezenta zilele urmatoare.
Ce sa porti intr-o minunata zi de primavara? Eu as zice: roz, asa ca pornind de la unul din colierele noi ( cel mai mare si stralucitor <3 am construit o tinuta roz si vesela.
Sper sa va placa!

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miercuri, 3 aprilie 2013

Leather contrast

Hello lovelies!
How is your day?As my lovely darling told you we went to a blogger's yard sale and we discovered an old house that looked amazing. I love old buildings especially those who have an eclectic style. And taking this in consideration we took advantage of the location and took some photos.This was my outfit for the day. 
Hope you like it!

Cladirile vechi sunt o mare pasiune de-a mea. Nu am prea multe cunostinte in ceea ce priveste arhitectura insa palatele, castelele si cladirile vechi in stil eclectic mi se par fantastice. Am gasit o astfel de cladire cand am fost la targ si am profitat de ocazie si am facut cateva poze. Aceasta a fost tinuta mea pentru intalnirea cu celelalte blogerite. 
Sper sa va placa!
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luni, 1 aprilie 2013


Hello lovelies!
Yesterday I went with my darling to a bloggers yard sale, we didn't participate because it was too hard for us to sell our clothes, maybe next year. We had a good time with the bloggers that were there and after that we took some pictures.
A thing you don;t know about me is that my favorite car ever is Volkswagen Beetle and when I saw this old Volkswagen I knew that I have to take some pictures with it <3
About the outfit, I wore some of my favorite clothes: my precious faux fur vest, my beloved leather jacket, my animal print bag and some new jeans.
I hope you'll like it!

Ieri am fost cu darling la un targ unde mai multe bloggerite vindeau hainute. Noi nu am participat pentru ca ne-a fost foarte greu sa renuntam la ceva din garderoba, poate la anul vom avea mai mult curaj. A fost foarte frumos, ne-am intalnit cu multe fete dragute si dupa aceea am facut cateva pozite.
Un lucru important pe care nu il stiti despre mine este ca masina mea preferata este Volkswagen Beetle si cand am vazut pe strada masinuta asta veche am fost super incantata si desigur ca a trebuit sa fac poze cu ea.
In ceea ce priveste tinuta, am purtat cateva din hainele mele preferate pe care le-ati mai vazut: vestuta mea iubita, geaca de piele, gentuta animal print si o pereche de blugi noi.
Sper sa va placa!

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