joi, 28 martie 2013

Trend alert: Dotted jeans

Hello lovelies!
The weather outside it's frightful, but the fire it's so delightful (don't) let it snow. Although we are almost in April the weather over here is like December. It seems that this damn  winter doesn't want to leave. So inspired by The Sartorialist and his column 'If You're Thinking About..' I decided to do my own version. One of the trends this year it seems to be dotted jeans. And as far as I have seen I really like it. Please tell us your opinion about this kind of posts. I find them very inspiring and I would like to know what you think.

Afara ninge linistit si in casa arde focul...Iarna asta afurisita  nu vrea sa mai plece. Ce ne facem?! Visam cu ochii deschisi la zile mai calduroase :D. Inspirata de The Sartorialist (cel mai bun blogger de streetstyle) si articolele sale "Daca te gandesti la.." am decis sa fac un post asemanator. Unul din trendurile acestui an sunt blugii "in picatele". Din ceea ce am vazut pana acum atat in cadrul blogurilor din afara cat si in magazinele noastre, mi se pare un trend foarte dragut si care poate fi adaptat oricarui tip de silueta. Ce parere aveti despre acest tip de post? Vi se pare util? Mie imi plac foarte mult si as vrea sa aflu si parerea voastra!

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luni, 25 martie 2013

Fairytale birthday girl

Hello lovelies!
Long time no see! It's been a while since our last meeting but I wanted to prepare a special post since it was my birthday on Thursday. I still feel like a child when it comes to my birthday. I want it to be a special day and everything has to be perfect. I celebrated it during the weekend. So on Saturday I put on a special outfit  and we visited a small palace in the city center. Afterwards we spent the night away with some friends.
Hope you like the pictures and thank you for all your wishes!

Saptamana trecuta a fost ziua mea. Cred ca nu o sa existe an in care sa nu-mi sarbatoresc ziua. Sunt adepta petrecerilor si momentelor speciale petrecute cu cei dragi, deci inca ma port copilareste in ceea ce priveste ziua mea si imi doresc ca totul sa fie perfect. De aceea pentru astazi am pregatit un post special. 
Sper sa va placa si va multumesc tuturor pentru urari!

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vineri, 22 martie 2013

Lovely sunny day

Hello lovelies! Here I show an outfit I wore two days ago when it was a gorgeous sunny day. Unfortunately, it's raining again..well, we have no choice but wait for the summer <3.
I wore a simple outfit, with neutral colors. I started the outfit from the pants, I bought them some years ago from Bershka and I wore them 2-3 times and now I was so happy to find them because I wanted some camouflage  pants but I wasn't sure how will they suit me and I think these simple khaki ones are perfect.
I hope you'll like it!

Tinuta de azi am purtat-o acum 2 zile cand era foarte frumos afara, din pacate acum ploua iar. Asta este, singura solutie este sa asteptam cu rabdare vara <3.
M-am imbracat foarte simplu si am pornit de la pantalonii acestia kaki pe care i-am cumparat acum cativa ani dar pe care i-am purtat de foarte putine ori. M-am bucurat mult cand i-am gasit prin sifonier pentru ca imi doream unii stil militar cu imprimeu de camuflaj dar nu eram prea sigura cum mi-ar sta cu ei, asa ca astia kaki uni sunt perfecti.
Sper sa va placa!

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duminică, 17 martie 2013

Dreaming of Spring

Hello lovelies!
For today I prepared a very colorful look that I absolutely love! This leather jacket is one of my precious items, I love it soooo much and I love to wear it, so this Spring you'll be seeing it a lot! 
Denim shirts are another love of mine but unfortunately I own only 2, but there is time to buy more. I also wore my new amazing bag thanks to my darling Deea.
I hope you'll like it!

Astazi am purtat o tinuta foarte colorata, asa cum imi place <3 Geaca asta de piele e una din hainele mele preferate, o iubesc enorm si o port foarte des asa ca o s-o tot vedeti primavara asta!
Imi plac enorm camasile de blugi dar din pacate am doar 2 dar am timp sa mai cumpar. 
Am purtat si noua mea gentuta minunata, primita cadou de la darling Deea.
Sper sa va placa!

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miercuri, 13 martie 2013

See through

Hello lovelies!
Remember the see thourgh shirts? You can see outfits with them here and here. This kind of shirts aren't going anywhere yet. They are a must for spring too. During this season I would suggest a pastel color or a warm tone. Mine has an interesting print that I haven't quite discovered what they are. I chose to wear it in a simple outfit with skinny grey jeans and biker boots. Unfortunately we can't get rid of boots yet, because the weather it's still kind of tricky.  
Hope you like it! And feel free to share your opinion!

Va amintiti camasile transparente? Puteti vedea cateva tinute cu astfel de camasi aici si aici. Acest model de camasa se pare ca nu paraseste "scena" atat de repede. O camasa transparenta este perfecta si pentru noul sezon care tocmai a inceput. Pentru aceasta perioada ar fi mai potrivita insa o camasa cu imprimeu floral sau in culori pastel. Eu am ales sa o port intr-o combinatie simpla, lejera, cu blugi skinny si cu biker boots. Din pacate inca nu am scapat de cizmulite, vremea e destul de capricioasa si se pare ca mai avem putin de astept pana trecem definitiv la garderoba de primavara.
Sper sa va placa! Asteptam cu nerabdare parerile voastre!

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luni, 11 martie 2013

Pink Birthday Girl

Hello lovelies!
For today I prepared a special post because last Saturday was my birthday, on March 9th. I thought it will be nice to make a special post with my outfit. I modified the photos and I gave them a touch of pink because I BELIEVE IN PINK and this color defines me perfectly! <3 
So, about the outfit, I wore my new and AMAZING skirt thanks to my gorgeous best friends Laura, Gabi and Kitty ( love you girls). I feel like a real princess wearing it, I simply adore it <3. I paired with a lace top and a pastel pink blazer to complete the feminine look and my burgundy heels.
I hope you'll like the photos and my cake ( isn't it amazing? I made it and I am very proud of it <3)

Pentru azi am pregatit un post special, roz! Pentru ca eu cred in roz, ador aceasta culoare care ma defineste perfect si ocazia zilei mele de nastere a fost una perfecta pentru aceasta sedinta. 
Am purtat noua mea fustita pe care am primit-o de la bunele mele prietene Laura, Gabi si Kitty ( Va iubesc fetelor <3). O adooor, ma simt ca o adevarata printesa si as purta-o non-stop <3. Pentru a completa look-ul feminin, am ales o bluzita din dantela, un sacou roz pastel si pantofiorii burgundy.
Sper sa va placa pozele si tortul meu ( nu este superb? eu il ador si sunt foarte mandra ca l-am facut singura <3)

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vineri, 8 martie 2013

The doublettes

Hello lovelies! Today it's Woman's Day! Happy Woman's day to all of you our lovelies fashionistas. We hope this spring will be filled with laughter, special moments and long walks. For us it will be a special time because both our birthdays are this month. How can a girl celebrate Woman's Day better than with her best friend and some gossip? But before this we have to choose our outfits for the day. And we chose a special one. We slipped on a flowy mustard dress, that has just one wrinkles really fast. And we added some high heel shoes and different accesories. Hope you like it! 

 Astazi este 8 martie! La multi ani voua, tuturor fetelor, femeilor, care astazi alegeti sa zambiti larg si sa va amintiti ce bine e sa fii femeie! Si noi am ales sa celebram aceasta zi si v-am pregatit un post special. Cum am putea sa sarbatorim mai bine decat impreuna cu cea mai buna prietena? Dar mai intai trebuie sa ne hotaram in ce ne imbracam. Asa ca astazi am ales sa ne sarbatorim feminitatea purtand o rochita de nuanta mustarului si pantofi cu toc. Am adaugat "in ecuatie" si accesoriile preferate si am obtinut o tinuta completa. Speram sa va placa!

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luni, 4 martie 2013

Mint statement

Hello lovelies!
How is your week? I enjoyed the beautiful weather these days and I decided to greet spring properly. And how can I do that? By wearing pastel colors. When I think of spring I think of transition between the bold colors of the winter and of summer. I love this mint dress. I haven't worn it until now but I find it perfect for this spring beginning. I added a statement necklace and some peep toe shoes and this is my spring outfit.
Hope you like it! 

Sper ca aveti o saptamana placuta! Eu sunt foarte fericita ca in sfarsit avem si noi zile insorite si incepand cu 1 martie, parca vremea nu se dezminte sa ne arate ca intr-adevar a venit primavara. Am decis sa intampin primavara asa cum se cuvine (doar am asteptat-o ceva timp:D) si am purtat aceasta rochita de culoarea mentei. Mie primavara imi inspira culori pastelate, o perioada de tranzitie intre culorile tari ale iernii si verii. Sper sa va placa!

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Julie and Deea

vineri, 1 martie 2013

A sunday afternoon

Hello lovelies!
How was your week? Spring is finally here!! We are so happy that we officially changed seasons! We can't wait to see blossomed trees and lovely sunny days! But until this happens we decided to show you a glimpse of our week-end activities. As Julie told you we went to the Ab Fab Vintage Fair - Best Friends edition. Here we entered a magical world where every girl would have problems keeping her eyes on just one thing. As you will see in the next pictures we found amazing vintage earrings, handmade clutches that would make you fall in love instantly and some wood decorations that would make your home wonderful. There were also lot of unique dresses, shirts or skirts but it would take us forever to show you all of that. We hope this post will make you feel like you've been there.
Hope you will like the photos!

A venit primavara!! Oficial! Suntem foarte incantante ca in sfarsit trecem la un nou sezon. De-abia asteptam zilele insorite si mireasma copacilor infloriti (parca le simt si parfuml)! Insa pana atunci am decis sa va aratam o particica din activitatile noastre de week-end. Asa cum v-a spus si Julie, dumininca am mers la  targul vintage Ab Fab editia Best Friends. O data ce am pasit dincolo de prag, am patruns intr-o lume magica. Oriunde intorceai capul gaseai ceva care te minuna cu frumusetea lui. De la decoratiuni de lemn, cercei, gentute si chiar cercei si coliere, toate aveau un aer special si unic. Ne-ar placea ca pozele pe care vi le aratam sa va faca sa va simtiti ca si cum ati fost alaturi de noi.
Speram sa va placa!

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And also check out our new profiles on StarPIQ
Julie and Deea

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