luni, 26 august 2013

Smells like autumn

Hello lovelies! 
Although I didn't have autumn in my mind when I chose this outfit for today's post, I realized that I turned my attention to this burgundy item, now at the end of summer. Now I'm a little bit nostalgic and I'm thinking about the next season and it's joy but I'm sure this won't last for long and I'll be back to some bright colors soon enough. I love the flowy shape and texture and of this short/skirt and I enojoy wearing it every time. 
Hope you like it!
More pictures

miercuri, 21 august 2013

Old city

Hello lovelies!
As you already know I am a huge fan of dresses. And on a hot summer day it's easy slip into one and take care of your daily tasks. I know it's not office appropriate, but it can be a perfect for a walk in the park or to go out and have an ice cream.
Hope you'll like it!

luni, 19 august 2013

Floral sunset

Hello lovelies!
Today's post is the last one featuring the beautiful flower crowns Floronite. This is not an usual outfit post, it's more a photo session with these gorgeous accessories. The photos are made by Tudor Belei and my make-up was done by Adela Manolache.
Hope you'll like it!

sâmbătă, 17 august 2013

New kid on the block

Hello lovelies! How is your week-end? Hope you're having fun. For today I chose an outfit that totally reminds me of my childhood. One of the comebacks of the season was the jumpsuit. At the beginning I wasn't to fond of it but as I've seen more and more outfits I started to crave for one. Well luckily I didn't search for one too much. I found this vintage denim jumpsuit in the back of my closet and I decided to wear it again. What do you think? Have you already worn jumpsuits this summer?

joi, 15 august 2013

Jeans crush

Hello lovelies! This is the second post with the beautiful flower crowns - Floronite.
 I bought these jeans from the men section and I completely transformed them in something that I love! Searching for a high waisted pair of jeans is over and I am so happy with the result.
Hope you'll like it!

luni, 12 august 2013

Escape the heat

Hello lovelies! How was your week end? Mine was really nice! I decided to escape the heat from my home town and headed to the mountains. We planned a little road trip for the week end and I really enjoyed myself. I decided to show you some of the pics I took during this trip. Of course I chose a casual look: jeans, denim jacket and a casual t-shirt. And my new love: my espadrilles.
What do you think?
P.S Balea Lake is an amazing place so, whenever you got the chance check it out. I hope the pics will be a strong incentive.

sâmbătă, 10 august 2013

Pink roses

Hello lovelies! You've already seen three wonderful flower crowns from Floronite worn by Deea. Well, now it's my turn to show you three more. I decided to begin with a pink one with roses. I just love it! I wanted to create a very girly look that defines me perfectly so I wore a floral top with lace insertions and a pair of pink pants, they look like a skirt and that's the reason I love them so much!
Hope you'll like it!

joi, 8 august 2013

Traditional roses

Hello lovelies! 
This is my last outfit from the flower crowned series. For this outfit I chose to wear something inspired by the romanian traditional costume. I think this bold crown matches really well with the print of the dress. This is one of my favorite thing about fashion: the fact that you can change your clothes to match your personality, your mood of the day. What do you think about it? What's your favorite thing about fashion?

Hello lovelies!
Acesta este ultimul post din seria celor impodobite cu Floronite. De aceasta data am ales o floronita mai indrazneata, asortata unei rochite inspirata de portul nostru traditional. In opinia mea cele doua se completeaza foarte bine si au un efect deosebit. Acesta este unul din avantajele modei pe care il indragesc cel mai mult, posibilitatea de a-ti adapta tinuta la dispozitia ta, la modul in care te simti.
Sper sa va placa!

marți, 6 august 2013

Pink print

Hello lovelies!
This in an outfit that I wore a month ago, I think but I totally forgot about it. I think the main character is the skirt, I am in love with it and it's made by me. I love the print, the colors and I think the shape it's great. I paired with black items and a gorgeous bag that belong to Dorina.
I hope you'll like it!
Have a lovely day <3 !

duminică, 4 august 2013

Whispers of the wind

Hello lovelies! 
This is my second look with yet another special flower headband. What is your opinion concerning this trend? I really like it. I chose a white and purple one and I simply love the little white flowers. As for my outfit I paired a short chiffon pleated skirt and a paisley printed top. I really like the top for the special extra touch of lace which I think makes it different.
Hope you like it!

Hello lovelies!
Astazi continuam seria postarilor cu accesorii speciale. De aceasta data Floronita mea a avut flori delicate alb mov. Mi-am dorit o tinuta care sa exprime delicatete si feminism, care sa completeze intreg look-ul. De accea am ales o bluzita fluida si o fustita din voal. In ceea ce priveste pantofii am preferate unii nude.
Sper sa va placa!

vineri, 2 august 2013

Lovely tree

Helo lovelies!
This is the last post from the sea even though the pictures are not taken at the beach. I saw this wonderful tree some month ago and since then I've been dreaming about taking some photos with it and I thought the perfect outfit would be something earthy like these amazing shorts from H&M Conscious Collection. I just adore them, I wanted them so much but I wasn't able to find my size and then one day I found them on sale, how lucky am I? I paired them with a gorgeous lace blouse and a statement necklace.
Hope you'll like it!
Have a lovely day!

miercuri, 31 iulie 2013

White and pink

Hello lovelies! How is your week? For today I chose an (almost) all white outfit. I find that during the hot summer days, white is the best choice. Today I am wearing a special flower headband that I simply love. Hope you like it!
Hello lovelies! Pentru astazi am ales o tinuta perfecta, in opinia mea pentru o zi de vara extreme de calduroasa. Alcul cred ca este alegerea potrivita intr-o astfel de situatie. De astazi o sa va aratam o serie de accesorii special, Floronitele. Noua ne-au placut foarte mult si credem ca acorda o nota deosebita oricarei tinute. Voi ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa!
More pictures | Mai multe poze

luni, 29 iulie 2013

White addiction

Hello lovelies! Today I am very happy because my parents came home and for a month we'll be spending a lot of time together, yay <3
I continue with the sea series, one more and that's it, I promise! I am wearing again a white dress nd my beloved hat, I love wearing white at the sea, I think it's a perfect match.
Hope you like it, have a lovely day!

sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2013

The venice touch

Hello lovelies! I hope you are having a great week-end. This us until recently my only yellow item in my closet and as you have seen here, now she has a new companion. I love this summer dress because of the light texture and the soft print. The focal point of my outfit is this amazing bag with a great print. As soon as I saw it I fell in love with it and I chose to wear it in a romantic outfit.
Hope you like it!

miercuri, 24 iulie 2013

Pink dots

Hello lovelies! 
Another post from the sea, this time an unusual one because you can't really call what I am wearing an outfit but still I enjoyed wearing that while having lots of fun in the sand. I just wanted to show you my favorite and adorable swimsuit ( well, only the bra), I adore dots and when I saw it I instantly fell in love. Can I say that the bikini has stripes? I just love it!
Oh, and how about my slippers? I think they're adorable <3
I hope you'll enjoy this break from an usual post and continue to dream about your vacation!

luni, 22 iulie 2013

Sheinside choices

Hello lovelies! For a good start of the week let's do some shopping:D What do you say? We recently discovered and we decided to show you some of our favorites items. You can find everything you want from floral items to jumpsuits and even office inspired looks. So here are our choices, hope you like them!

Hello lovelies! Care ar fi pentru voi un inceput de saptamana bun? Unul presarat cu lucruri dragute achizitionate la reduceri? :D Noi am descoperit recent site-ul si ne-a incantat gama acestora de produse. Am decis sa realizam un post cu favoritele noastre, avand in vedere ca puteti gasi tot ce va doriti.
Aceste sunt alegerile noastre speram sa va placa!

sâmbătă, 20 iulie 2013

Prints at the sea

Hello lovelies! 
Pentru azi am pregatit inca un post de la mare, de data aceasta, este unul foarte simplu dar reprezinta tot ce ai nevoie la plaja: o rochita lunga si vaporoasa si o palarie frumoasa pentru a te proteja de soare.
Rochita este un cadou de la mami, o am de anul trecut dar o ador, are tot ce iti poti dori de la o rochita: este foarte lejera, vaporoasa, are un imprimeu delicios si culori adorabile ( inclusiv roz <3) si unde mai pui ca o pot purta ca si fusta? Love it!
Palariuta este una dintre preferatele mele, o am tot de vara trecuta ( Primark = 1.5 euro). Pretul m-a facut sa o iubesc si mai mult, I love sales.
Sper sa va placa si in curand mai urmeaza postari de la mare!

Hello lovelies!
Here you have another post from the sea. This one is very simple but it represents all you need at the beach: a long and comfy dress and a beautiful hat to protect you from the sun.
This beautiful dress was a gift from my mother and I absolutely love it, for me it's perfect because it's long, comfy, has a gorgeous print and amazing colors, including pink.
The hat is one of my favorites and it cost me only 1.5 euro, another reason to love it.
I hope you like it and stay tuned because there are more photos from the sea!

joi, 18 iulie 2013

Ivory and pink

Hello lovelies!

Hello lovelies! Tocmai m-am intors dintr-o mini vacanta la mare, de aceea nu am mai aparut pe blog si ati vazut-o doar pe darling Deea. Trebuie sa recunosc ca mi-a fost foarte dor de blog, de postari, de alte bloguri pe care le urmaresc si de bucuria de a citi comentarii si am fost foarte trista peNtru ca nu am avut acces la internet si nu am putut posta de acolo. Asa ca m-am intors cu multe poze de la mare care imi plac foarte mult, sper sa va placa si voua.
Pentru prima postare am ales sa port o rochita absolut superba, culoarea este ivoire desi nu se vede asa de bine si in partea de sus are o broderie superba. Mie mi se pare perfecta chiar si ca rochita de cununie. Am purtat-o la absolvirea iubitului meu dar fiindca nu am reusit sa fac poze am decis sa o mai port inca o data, de data asta intr-un decor superb. 
Am confectionat coronita din flori acum vreo 3 luni cred si de atunci tot astept o ocazie perfecta pentru a o purta asa ca atunci cand am primit aceasta rochita adorabila am stiut ca trebuie sa le combin pentru ca se potrivesc de minune.
Sper sa va placa!

marți, 16 iulie 2013

New beginning

Hello lovelies! As I was telling you in the last post this week end I attended a special event. It's really something when one of your friends says her big "I do". I had an instant flashback with a lot of beautiful memories from our past together. I've known my friend for almost a life time (actually since kindergarden) and I am happy I got the chance to witness this event. I chose to wear this simple dress that I paired it up with pink shoes and black accesories. What do you think?

Hello lovelies! Asa cum va spuneam in ultima postare, in week end am participat la cununia civila a unei prietene foarte bune. A fost un moment foarte emotionant. Mi-am amintit o multime de momente frumoase petrecute impreuna, avand in vedere ca ne cunoastem de aproape o viata (de fapt de la gradinita, dar cred ca 14 ani se pot numi o viata) si am fost foarte bucuroasa sa pot fi martora unui "Da" hotarat. Am ales sa port o rochita simpla, deoarece cununia a avut loc dupa amiaza, am considerat ca o rochie eleganta de seara ar putea fi prea mult. Voi ce parere aveti?

vineri, 12 iulie 2013

Red alert

Hello lovelies! How is your week? The week end is finally here! This week end I'll attend a special event, one of my childhood best friends is getting married. But until then here's the outfit I wore on a lovely day spent with my little sister. I always wear simple items with printed ones, consider it a rule and you'll never be wrong. One of my motto's it's a "saying" I saw on facebook some time ago: Life is too short to wear boring clothes! What do you think?

Hello lovelies! A venit week end-ul din nou asa ca ne putem relaxa. In acest week end o sa particip la un eveniment foarte special pentru mine, una dintre cele mai bune prietene din copilarie se casatoreste. Insa pana atunci va prezint o noua tinuta foarte potrivita pentru week end. Ok, voi puteti sa schimbati pantofii cu niste sandale comode, dar cred ca este una dintre cele mai confortabile tinute de vara. Imi place sa port piesele simple, uni cu unele imprimate. Daca alegeti o astfel de combinatie nu veti da gres niciodata. Voi ce parere aveti? Evitati articolele vestimentare cu diverse modele pentru ca vi se par greu de asortat?

luni, 8 iulie 2013

Never say never

Hello lovelies! I don't know if you know this about me, but yellow is my least favorite color. Until now I had just one dress in this color. But when I went looking for a special dress, taking in consideration the Tango party I found this beauty. I instantly fell in love and the color didn't bothered me at all. So don't ever say this is not for me, try it on, you might have a surprise. That's why we should never say never. Did it happened to you as well?

Hello lovelies! A venit si randul meu sa va arat tinuta din cadrul petrecerii Tango mai in detaliu. Mie nu-mi place galbenul. Este singura culoare care nu-mi place cam deloc. In schimb cand am fost la cumparaturi si am gasit aceasta rochita, m-am indragostit imediat atat de forma ei cat si de imprimeu, incat culoarea nu a mai reprezentat o problema. Daca mi-ar fi zis cineva ca voi merge la  un eveniment intr-o rochita galbena, i-as fi zis ca a gresit persoana, dar se pare ca exista si exceptii. Asa ca niciodata sa nu zicem niciodata. Voua vi s-a intamplat sa va razganditi cu privire la diferite culori, trenduri?

vineri, 5 iulie 2013


Hello lovelies! This is the outfit that I wore at the Tango party. The dress code was: dress in the color of your heart. As you already know, my heart is PINK but  I didn't manage to find a pink dress. I was very sad until I found this black dress with amazing roses. Black is my second favorite color and roses are some of my favorite flowers along peonies and hyacinths, so this was the perfect choice.

Hello lovelies! Azi va prezint tinuta pe care am purtat-o la petrecerea Tango. Tema era: imbraca-te in culoarea inimii tale si asa cum deja stiti, culoarea inimii mele este roz. Din pacate nu am gasit o rochita roz ceea ce m-a intristat pana cand am gasit aceasta rochita neagra cu trandafiri. Eu iubesc atat negrul cat si trandafirii asa ca aceasta rochita a fost alegerea perfecta.

miercuri, 3 iulie 2013

8 ani de Tango

Hello lovelies! 
Am descoperit Tango dupa ce am citit cateva carti scrise de Alice Nastase Buciuta si m-am indragostit iremediabil atat de revista, de carti, cat si de Alice. Am avut deosebita placere sa o cunosc si am descoperit un om minunat. Ea a ales sa-i fim alaturi in ceasul aniversar al 8 ani de Tango. Bineinteles ca nu puteam refuza o asemenea invitatie, mai ales ca evenimentul de anul trecut ne-a lasat aminitiri atat de frumoase. Si in acest am asistat incantate la discursul plin de emotie cu care a deschis Alice seara si am ascultat marturii ale vedetelor care au fost imaginea de coperta a revistei, dar si ale colaboratorilor. Am intalnit multi oameni minunati, care desi sunt cunoscuti si au cariere impresionante, sunt deschisi si nu incearca sa para altceva decat sunt. Cu siguranta punctul culminant al serii a fost aparitia Nadiei Comaneci, care ne-a emotionat pe toti.
Am revazut persoane dragi si am apreciat inca o data sinceritatea, deschiderea si respectul, caracteristici ce nu au fost doar promovate ci si aplicate in relatia cu noi.

luni, 1 iulie 2013


Hello lovelies! I hope you are going to have a great week and an amazing month! I can't believe June has already past and I still haven't planned my vacation. What about you? Have you decided where you want to go? For today's post I chose a classy dress. This is my way of wearing this years black&white combination. I love the shape of the dress and also the print. It's one of those items that you can keep in your wardrobe for a long time because it will never go out of style. 

Hello lovelies! Probabil ca ati observat pana acum afinitatea mea catre rochite. De aceasta data am ales sa port combinatia acestui sezon: alb&negru intr-o maniera personala si potrivita personalitatii mele. Imi plac foarte mult croiala si imprimeul rochitei datorita simplitatii acestora, dar si datorita influentei retro.
Sper sa va placa!

sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2013

Grey and silver

Hello lovelies! I hope you're having a lovely weekend. Today I'm showing you a simple outfit that I like a lot, I finally wore these grey denim shorts that I bought last Winter. I love the color, the shape and that lace detail is my favorite. I paired them with a white shirt, I think that shorts and shirts are a perfect match, I love to wear them like this and you'll see. 
I was so happy to find these metallic old sandals, I bought them for my 18th Birthday, so they are 5 years old and perfect for this season!

Hello lovelies! Sper ca aveti un weekend frumos! Tinuta de azi este una foarte simpla care imi place mult si care dupa parerea mea e foarte potrivita pentru vremea asta. Am pornit de la pantalonii scurti care asteptau sa fie purtati de iarna trecuta. Mi-au placut foarte mult datorita culorii, modelului si in special partii cu dantela. I-am purtat cu o camasa alba si vreau sa spun ca aceasta combinatie intre pantaloni scurti si camasa este una din preferatele mele si cred ca o sa observati asta.
Sandalele au fost o surpriza pentru mine, le-am cumparat cand am implinit 18 ani si intre timp am uitat de ele asa ca am fost foarte fericita cand le-am gasit pentru ca sunt perfecte pentru acest sezon.
Sper sa va placa!

joi, 27 iunie 2013

Let's keep it simple

Hello lovelies!
This is the outfit that I wore at the Digital Divas event. I wanted a simple dress which would be appropriate both for day and night since we attended the gala as well. As for accesories I kept the same color palette for all of them: black&gold. 
Hope you like it!

Hello lovelies!
Dupa cum ati vazut pe Facebook si Instagram am ales o tinuta  foarte simpla pentru evenimentul Digital Divas. Imi place foarte mult aceasta rochita deoreace se potriveste evenimentelor care nu cer o tinuta extrem de eleganta, dar la care nu poti participa intr-o tinuta lejera. Acesta a fost si motivul pentru care am ales-o. Din punct de vedere al accesoriilor am mentinut aceiasi combinatie de culori: negru&auriu.
Sper sa va placa!

miercuri, 26 iunie 2013

I love Black

Hello lovelies! 
Here is the outfit That I wore at the Digital Divas event. I wanted to wear something special but appropriate for day and night and I think this dress was the perfect choice, I love it! I chose some silver accessories and my beloved black sandals that are very comfortable.
Hope you'll like it!

Hello lovelies!
Astazi va arat mai multe poze cu ce am purtat la Digital Divas. Am vrut ceva special dar care sa fie in acelasi timp potrivit si pentru zi si pentru seara si cred ca rochita asta a fost alegerea perfecta. Imi place enorm! Am ales sa o port cu accesorii argintii si sandalele mele preferate care sunt foarte comode.

marți, 25 iunie 2013

Concurs Meli Melo

Hello lovelies!
Am pregatit un concurs pentru voi in colaborare cu Meli Melo.
Puteti castiga aceasta gentuta plic si cerceii candelabru.
Regulile sunt foarte simple:

2. Like Meli Melo
3. Raspundeti printr-un comentariu la intrebarea: Unde ati purta aceste produse?
4. Share acestei poze pe Facebook - AICI

Concursul dureaza o saptamana, pe data de 2 iulie anuntam castigatoarea.

luni, 24 iunie 2013

Digital Divas 2013

Hello lovelies!
Vineri am avut placerea sa petrecem o zi minunata in cadrul evenimentului Digital Divas. Intr-o locatie aranjata perfect, am pasit discret si ne-am primit ecusoanele. Am mers catre sala evenimentului unde scaunele asezate simetric asteptau publicul entuziast. Sesiunile de discursuri au fost grupate in 4 mari categorii:How they succeeded, How to get inspired, o sesiune speciala cu invitatul de onoare al evenimentului Yvan Rodic si How to be successful. 

Pentru noi cel mai emotionant si incarcat de semnificatii a fost cel al minunatei doamne Oana Pellea. Am sorbit cu maxima atentie fiecare cuvant si istorisire. Ne-a coplesit simplitatea cu care a reusit sa ne transpuna in tot ceea ce a povestit si am aplaudat indelung darul de cuvinte oferit. De asemenea si celelalte discursuri au fost incarcate de parfumul personal al fiecarui vorbitor. Firul rosu al tuturor vorbitorilor s-ar putea rezuma in:
Succesul nu vine niciodata atunci cand il cauti asiduu, ci atunci cand incetezi sa-l doresti si faci lucrurile asa cum stii tu mai bine.
Nu vei avea niciodata succes daca faci ceva ce nu iti place.
Fiecare inceput de drum este presarat si cu probleme, deznadajuiri si obstacole.
Toti cei prezenti au lasat in sufletul si in mintea noastra noi intrebari si raspunsuri cautate de mult. Yvan Rodic ne-a aratat experienta sa atat de colorata cultural si ne-a vorbit despre avantajele si dezavantajele "meseriei" de blogger de street style.
Noi ne am simtit foarte bine, a fost un eveniment bine organizat si structurat. Am avut placerea sa cunoastem niste fete minunate venite de departe: Sandra Bendre, Claudia Lazar si Iulia Romana Pop. Ne-am revazut cu Dorina, Cris, Manuela, Simona, Petronela si Raluca si am reusit intr-un final sa le cunoastem pe Sandra si Evelina de la The Hearabouts si pe Maria de la Special K.

Din pacate gala de premiere a fost o dezamagire. Ne-am dat seama inca o data, din pacate, ca decenta este subapreciata, fiind promovate non-valori in locul unor oameni muncitori si speciali.

Mai multe poze Aici

joi, 20 iunie 2013

Baseball rookie

Hello lovelies! 
Remember I was telling you some time ago that my latest addition to my wishlist was a baseball jacket. Well I got it from Oasap. This is one of the rare occasion when I dressed up in a sport outfit.  Sporty clothes have been M.I.A (missing in action) from my closet for a while but now since you can combine them with classy items too I am starting to give them more credit.
Hope you like my outfit!

Hello lovelies!
Acum ceva timp va spuneam aici, ca imi doresc o jacheta tip baseball. Mi-am rezolvat si aceasta "problema existentiala" cu ajutorul celor de la Oasap. De foarte mult timp (cativa ani) nu mi-am mai cumparat articole sport. Simteam ca nu ma reprezinta. Insa de cand lumea modei a spart regulile din nou si creatorii au decis ca  e in regula sa combini piese mai elegante cu cele sport, am decis sa le acord o noua sansa. Mie imi place foarte mult jacheta si cu siguranta o sa o vedeti si in alte combinatii.
Sper sa va placa!

luni, 17 iunie 2013

Animal print crush

Hello lovelies! Finally I am wearing again this amazing pair of shoes that I love and I would love wearing them all the time! Well, them and the pink ones <3
The dress was waiting for me to wear it for a long, long time. It looks like a blouse and a skirt but it's actually a dress made of two different materials. I think it's a great and it can be worn in a casual way with some flats and also, in a classy way with some gorgeous heels like the ones I am wearing and with some statement accessories. Another thing I love about it is that the skirt has pockets. You know I love skirts/dresses with pockets!
Don't forget to give me a like HERE and HERE if you liked my outfit with TEX shorts. Thank you!

Hello lovelies! In sfarsit am reusit sa mai port pantofiorii mei iubiti, ii ador si daca as putea i-as purta tot timpul, pe ei si pe cei roz <3
Rochia astepta de mult, mult timp sa o scot la plimbare si in sfarsit i-am facut pe plac. La prima vedere, pare ca port o bluza si o fusta dar de fapt este o rochita formata din 2 materiale foarte diferite. Imi place foarte mult pentru ca este versatila: o pot purta atat intr-o tinuta casual cu o pereche de balerini dar si intr-o tinuta mai eleganta cu o pereche de pantofi cu toc si cu bijuterii statement. Un alt lucru care imi place enorm la ea este ca are buzunare si stiti deja ca ador fustele/ rochiile cu buzunare.
Nu uitati sa imi dati un like AICI si AICI daca v-a placut tinuta mea cu pantalonii scurti TEX. Va multumesc!