Hello lovelies!
So sorry for the lack of posts but we've been busy these days. Saturday and Sunday we went to two fairs: Martishop where we met with Dana Rogoz again, we just love her, she's the cutest person! and on Sunday we went for the first time at AbFab Vintage Fair. Soon we'll post some photos.
About today's outfit: I don't know what is my favorite item: the bag or the coat, I love both of them sooo much!
I received this vintage bag some time ago and I couldn't believe it when I saw the label..I really, really love it but I don't wear it much, I don't know why, I think I find it too precious to wear ( crazy, I know). The coat is a recent purchase and you'll be seeing it a lot on me and on my darling Deea too. We love sales especially when we find pieces like these fab coat.
Oh and I found a new hat: this time is brown, yey, now I have a pink one in mind or/and a beige one. If you happen to see one, please let me know!
Ne pare rau pentru lipsa postarilor dar am fost putin ocupate zilele astea. In week-end am fost la doua targuri dragute: Martishop unde ne-am intalnit iar cu Dana Rogoz, ne place enorm de ea, e asa draguta! si duminica am fost pentru prima data la AbFab Vintage Fair. In curand o sa postam cateva poze.
In ceea ce priveste tinuta de azi, nu stiu ce imi place mai mult: geanta sau paltonasul, le ador pe ambele!
Am primit aceasta geanta Hermés vintage acum ceva timp si nu mi-a venit sa cred cand am vazut-o, imi place enorm de mult dar nu stiu din ce motiv nu prea o port, cred ca o consider prea pretioasa ca sa o port ( ciudat, stiu). Paltonasul este o achizitie recenta si o sa il tot vedeti atat pe mine cat si pe Deea. Iubim reducerile mai ales cand gasim piese asa superbe cum ar fi aceasta.
Am gasit si o noua palariuta, de data aceasta maro. Mai am pe lista una roz si una bej asa ca daca vedeti, anuntati-ma!
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Coat: Pull and Bear
Hat: Blanco
Jewellery: Primark
Bag: Vintage Hermés
Boots: Tino Gonzalez
foarte dragutz paltonasul si palaria.
RăspundețiȘtergereo tinuta foarte frumoasa si putin sexy :)
omg!! ilove the coat!! <33
RăspundețiȘtergeresuperba tinuta <3
RăspundețiȘtergereI love everything about you
RăspundețiȘtergereImi place la nebunie outfit-ul! just love animal print!
RăspundețiȘtergereesti scumpa foc:)
that coat is gorgeous!!
Amazing outfit!! Love your blog! Hope you visit mine!
RăspundețiȘtergereoo I love your hat!
RăspundețiȘtergereYour coat is gorgeous <3
UK High Street Fashion & Style
The coat is so pretty and that bag is simply gorgeous. You should wear it more often
RăspundețiȘtergereSuperb paltonul si palaria imi place la nebuniee!!
RăspundețiȘtergereYou are just too pretty ♥
RăspundețiȘtergereWow, cât de frumoasă este haina, îmi plac şi botinele foarte mult.
RăspundețiȘtergereUn look foarte reuşit.
e superba geanta <3
Your coat is very nice!