marți, 26 februarie 2013


Hello lovelies!
So sorry for the lack of posts but we've been busy these days. Saturday and Sunday we went to two fairs: Martishop where we met with Dana Rogoz again, we just love her, she's the cutest person! and on Sunday we went for the first time at AbFab Vintage Fair. Soon we'll post some photos.
About today's outfit: I don't know what is my favorite item: the bag or the coat, I love both of them sooo much! 
I received this vintage bag some time ago and I couldn't believe it when I saw the label..I really, really love it but I don't wear it much, I don't know why, I think I find it too precious to wear ( crazy, I know). The coat is a recent purchase and you'll be seeing it a lot on me and on my darling Deea too. We love sales especially when we find pieces like these fab coat.
Oh and I found a new hat: this time is brown, yey, now I have a pink one in mind or/and a beige one. If you happen to see one, please let me know!

Ne pare rau pentru lipsa postarilor dar am fost putin ocupate zilele astea. In week-end am fost la doua targuri dragute: Martishop unde ne-am intalnit iar cu Dana Rogoz, ne place enorm de ea, e asa draguta! si duminica am fost pentru prima data la AbFab Vintage Fair. In curand o sa postam cateva poze.
In ceea ce priveste tinuta de azi, nu stiu ce imi place mai mult: geanta sau paltonasul, le ador pe ambele!
Am primit aceasta geanta Hermés vintage acum ceva timp si nu mi-a venit sa cred cand am vazut-o, imi place enorm de mult dar nu stiu din ce motiv nu prea o port, cred ca o consider prea pretioasa ca sa o port ( ciudat, stiu). Paltonasul este o achizitie recenta si o sa il tot vedeti atat pe mine cat si pe Deea. Iubim reducerile mai ales cand gasim piese asa superbe cum ar fi aceasta.
Am gasit si o noua palariuta, de data aceasta maro. Mai am pe lista una roz si una bej asa ca daca vedeti, anuntati-ma!

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Julie and Deea

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vineri, 22 februarie 2013

Snake print skirt

Hello lovelies!
I hope spring is coming soon because I am so sick of thick coats. This is why I chose a "springish" look although over it I wore a coat. This skirt is the last purchase I did on sales and I really love it. The fabric si also very nice, it feels almost like silk and needless to say I love the print. For this outfit like always, I tried to use a printed center piece, which is the skirt, and someting simple like the shirt. I know for sure I will use this skirt in a lot of outfits and I can wear it during spring and summer too.What do you think?
Hope you like it!

Nu stiu voi, dar eu imi doresc foarte mult sa vina primavara sau macar sa nu mai ploua atat si sa fie insorit. De aceea am adoptat o tinuta mai primavaratica, desi am purtat paltonul ca sa ma apar de frig. Aceasta fustita este ultima mea achizitie si imi place foarte mult atat datorita imprimeului, cat si datorita materialului ca de matase. Ca intotdeauna am ales o piesa "centrala" a outfitului, fustita, iar in rest am purtat lucruri simple. Ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa!
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And also check out our new profiles on StarPIQ
Julie and Deea

marți, 19 februarie 2013

Embellished parka

Hello lovelies!
I am back home and so happy that the weather has changed, today it was a Spring day and I enjoyed it a lot!
I wore my amazing parka ( I was so happy when I found it but it was too simple for me so I added some buttons and studs and I love the result).I paired it with a little black dress ( I love them, I only have three but I definitely want more because they are so versatile!)
Because it was such a beautiful day I decided to wear my new sandals = love, love, love, I have been dying to wear them, I wanted to buy them last summer but I didn't find my size and now I got them on sale ( lucky me).
I chose as accessories a khaki bag like the parka and some bling-bling bracelets.I hope you'll like it!

M-am intors acasa si am fost foarte bucuroasa astazi sa vad ca s-a schimbat vremea si e asa insorit afara asa ca am iesit sa facem cate poze!
Am purtat noua mea parka pe care am modificat-o, am fost foarte fericita cand am gasit-o dar era prea simpla pentru gustul meu asa ca am hotarat sa ii adaug cateva tinte si nasturi mai deosebiti si sunt foarte incantata de rezultat! Am purtat o LBD. Imi plac enorm aceste rochite, deocamdata am doar 3 dar cu siguranta vreau mai multe si va sfatuiesc ca atunci cand aveti ocazia sa va achizionati o LBD pentru ca sunt foarte versatile!
Desi inca e iarna, nu am mai avut rabdare si m-am incaltat cu noile sandale pe care le doream de vara trecuta dar nu le-am gasit si iata ca reducerile m-au facut inca o data fericita !
Am ales o geanta aceeasi culoare cu parka si cateva bratari bling-bling!
Sper sa va placa!

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Julie and Deea

For more pictures click HERE

duminică, 17 februarie 2013

Nerd version


Hello lovelies!
How was your week? For today's post I chose a playful outfit and I tried to show you a different version of myself, more specifically my nerd side. I love blouses with girl print on them. This one is one of my favourite and I was inspired by the print to adopt a look a like style. I need to say that I don't normally wear glasses I don't need them(yet, because like the song's says one day will be old..). I used the blouse as my centerpiece and I paired it with my burgundy cardigan, jeans and biker boots. What do you think about this version of me?
Hope you like it!

Pentru ca astazi e duminica, am ales o tinuta mai relaxata si am decis sa va arat o alta versiune a mea. Imi plac foarte mult bluzele de acest gen si cu siguranta aceasta e una dintre preferatele mele. Am fost inspirata de imprimeul bluzei si m-am hotarat sa devin si eu o "tocilara". De obicei nu port ochelari, nu am nevoie de ei (inca). Pentru restul tinutei am ales un cardigan visiniu, blugi si cizmele biker. Ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa!

vineri, 15 februarie 2013

Blonde Minnie

Hello lovelies!
I took these photos today and you can see how sunny and gorgeous was the weather and it stiil is, just love it!
I wore two of my recent purchases: the fury vest ( it was on my dream list for a long, long time) and the shoes that I absolutely adore!
I decided to play a little with my hair and become a blonde Minnie <3 ( I love Disney movies and Disneyland <3)
I hope you´ll like it and feel free to share your opinion!

Azi m-am bucurat de o zi superba, calduroasa si insorita! Am purtat doua noi achizitii: vesta din blanita ( de foarte mult imi doream una si in sfarsit am gasit!) si pantofiorii din lac pe care ii ador!
M-am jucat putin cu parul si am devenit o Minnie blonda <3 ( Ador filme Disney si Disneyland <3)
Sper sa va placa!

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And also check out our new profiles on StarPIQ
Julie and Deea

For more pictures click HERE

marți, 12 februarie 2013

Western with a twist

Hello lovelies!
Although I have loved plaid shirts for a while I bought one just recently on sales. In my opinion plaid shirts are a classic just like the little black dress. I wanted to show you something different than a shirt + sweater mix so I decided it to match the shirt with a vest and a hat. I think it has a western vibe to it and I like how it turned out. What do you think? Hope you like it!

Desi intotdeauna mi-au placut camasile in carouri, am achizitionat una nu acum mult timp. Cred ca acest tip de camasa este una dintre piesele de baza ale unei garderobe, deoarece poate fi utilizata in nenumarate combinatii. Am vrut sa va arat o tinuta putin mai speciala, asa ca in locul combinatiei camasa + pulover am asortat camasa cu palariuta mea visinie si cu o vesta crem. Mie mi se pare ca aceasta tinuta are un aer western si imi place cum a iesit. Sper sa va placa si voua!

For more pictures click HERE

duminică, 10 februarie 2013


Hello lovelies!
Here you have another spring-ish outfit. The weather is so lovely here and I really enjoyed wearing only a thin jacket. I bought it last week and I love it because it´s like a little parka perfect for Spring.
I finally found a simple white shirt <3 and I wore it with my new floral pants ( love, love, love). 
I hope you´ll like it!

Azi va arat inca o tinuta primavaratica. Vremea e superba asa ca am fost incantata sa port in sfarsit o gecuta subtire. Am cumparat-o saptamana trecuta si imi place enorm pentru ca e o mica parka perfecta pentru primavara. Am gasit si camasuta alba pe care o cautam de mult si am purtat-o cu pantalonasii florali.
Sper sa va placa!

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vineri, 8 februarie 2013

Spring is (almost) here

Hello lovelies!
Today I show you some of my loving animal print. I bought this dress some time ago and I have been waiting for a sunny day to wear it. As you can see I was wearing multiple shades of grey. This is my "to do" advice regarding how to wear a dress in winter. As I told you before I don't forget about my favourite pices during winter, I just look for ways to adapt them. so if you have a lovely dress, put a long cardigan over it, add some tall boots or even ankle ones and you have your own interpretation of my post.
Hope you like it!

Ca sa ne arate ca nu e departe, primavara ne indulceste asteptarea cu cateva zile frumoase. Intr-o astfel de zi am purtat rochita mea animal print pe care am cumparat-o in perioada reducerilor. Acest tip de combinatie: rochita si cardigan lung, imi plac pentru ca imi permit sa port rochitele preferate si in sezoanele mai reci. Secretul in ceea ce priveste imprimeul de leopard este acela de a avea o singura piesa de baza cu acest imprimeu si restul pieselor care alcatuiesc tinuta sa fie mai "cumintele".
Sper sa va placa!

For more pictures click HERE

miercuri, 6 februarie 2013

All about the layering

Hello lovelies!
How is your week? I just enjoyed a beautiful day yesterday, weather wise and because it was my mom's birthday! These pictures were took by my baby sister, I am so proud of her she even started saying "you need a picture with the textures and a close up". How cute is that? Now about my may seem that I put half of my wardrobe on but I like playing with layers during winter. So here they are: a t shirt, the denim shirt, a cardigan and a jacket. I also wore my new beanie that is very comfortable and warm. 
Hope you like it!

Cum va petrecti saptamana? Eu am petrecut o zi foarte frumoasa ieri, atat pentru ca vremea a fost frumoasa (lucru pe care nu-l pot spune si despre ziua de azi) si a fost si ziua mamei mele. Aceste poze le-am facut impreuna cu sora mea mai mica. Sunt foarte mandra de ea, a inceput sa cunoasca bloggeritele din afara, nu le stie foarte bine dupa nume, ci dupa nationalitate (italianca a.k.a Chiara Feeragni). Sa vorbim despre tinuta! Desi pare ca am pus jumatate din garderoba pe mine, imi place foarte mult sa ma "joc"cu diverese suprapuneri de materiale in timpul iernii. Asa ca avem: tricou, camasa de blugi, cardigan si jacheta. Am purtat si noua mea caciulita cumparata cu lovely darling Julie, a mea e albastra a ei e...roz. Ati ghicit!
Sper sa va placa!

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luni, 4 februarie 2013

Madrid - J´adore le luxe

Hello lovelies!
Finally a new outfit post! Yesterday I shot these photos with my mother and I am really happy with the way they turned out, she did a great job for her first shooting.
It was a gorgeous sunny day and even though it was a little bit cold and windy, it felt like a Spring day. I wore some new stuff like the t-shirt, jeans, bag, cardigan and jewellery. I mixed black and white and I added that orange-mustard cardigan and the animal print bag to make the outfit more special. I think you´ve already noticed that I am a big fan of animal print stuff. I can´t believe I used to hate it.
I think this outfit it´s a comfy yet stylish one and it´s perfect to go shopping for clothes, grocery or just for a walk in the park.
I hope you like it and feel free to share your opinion!

In sfarsit o tinuta noua! Ieri am facut pozitele astea si sunt foarte multumita de ele. Mami a fost de data aceasta fotograful meu si s-a descurcat de minune tinand cont ca a fost prima data!
A fost o vreme superba cu un soare puternic si desi era putin frig m-am bucurat de o zi frumoasa de primavara.
Am purtat multe lucrusoare noi cum ar fi tricoul, blugii, cardiganul, gentuta si bijuteriile. Am combinat negrul cu alb si am adaugat cardiganul portocaliu-mustar impreuna cu gentuta cu imprimeu de leopard pentru a-i oferi tinutei un efect mai special. Cred ca ati observat deja ca sunt o mare fana a acestui imprimeu. Nu pot sa cred ca inainte il uram.
Aceasta tinuta este foarte comfortabila dar in acelasi timp stylish si este perfecta pentru cumparaturi si pentru o plimbare in parc.
Sper sa va placa!

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sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2013

Madrid day 1 - gifts

Hello lovelies!
Today I am posting from Madrid. I´ll be staying here for the next 2 weeks. Sorry for the lack of posts but both of us have been very busy with exams and projects. 
For today´s post I decided to show you some gifts I received yesterday. I love the print of the T-shirts and blouses ( Thank you mom!)
I hope tomorrow I will take some photos with an outfit.

Astazi postez din Madrid unde voi sta pentru urmatoarele doua saptamani. Ne pare rau pentru lipsa posturilor din ultimele zile dar atat eu cat si Deea am avut examene si proiecte.
Nu am avut timp sa fac poze cu o tinuta asa ca azi va arat cateva cadouri dragute pe care le-am primit ieri. Ador imprimeurile bluzelor si tricourilor.( Multumesc mult mami <3!)
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