vineri, 31 mai 2013

Retro chic

Hello lovelies! 
How is your week end? I had a fun day with my sister the other day. She was the one taking the pictures and you'll see I was influenced by her mood and staterd behaving childish. As for my outfit it's simple yet the details make it special (at least in my opinion). The t-shirt it's DIY by my lovely darling. So all the praise should go to her. I'm a sucker for romance so the t-shirt it's my statement. The writing means: Once upon a time..the perfect beginning for every story.
Hope you like it!

Sper ca aveti un sfarsit de saptamana minunat! Eu am petrecut o zi foarte frumoasa cu sora mea. Ea este cea care a facut pozele si pot sa zic ca m-a molipsit si "am dat in mintea" copiilor. In ceea ce priveste tinuta mea, este foarte simpla, insa cred ca detaliile sunt cele care fac diferenta. Tricoul a fost realizat de catre Julie, asa ca toate laudele sunt meritul ei. Imi plac povestile, in special cele de dragoste, asa ca acest tricou este modul meu de a-mi expune aceasta pasiune.
Sper sa va placa!

For more pictures click here

miercuri, 29 mai 2013

Black and pink

Hello lovelies! I just want to say that I love black and pink and the combination of these two is one of my all time favorites. I like all black outfits but I find them more appropriate for evening: I think the best classy outfit is a black one or for more rock-ish outfits ( and I am not a rocker kind of girl). So, I decided to mix black items with some pink accessories. I wore my new shorts made of two fabrics that I love, love, love, I wanted some faux leather shorts for a long time and finally I got a pair <3. I paired them with a sheer hearted blouse and with some pink accessories: the sandals and a clutch.
I am happy with the result of mixing some rock-ish items like those black leather pants and some feminine items like the hearted sheer blouse and the pink touches. 
I hope you'll like it!

Buna lovelies! Deja stiti ca ador culoarea roz si poate ca suna ciudat dar negrul este a doua "culoare" in lista preferintelor mele si combinatia dintre acestea este una din preferatele mele. Imi place sa le combin deoarece sunt foarte diferite: roz este foarte copilaros, vesel pe cand negru exprima mai multa seriozitate, eleganta dar eu il consider si elementul de baza intr-o tinuta rock. De aceea prefer sa le combin pentru ca impreuna creeaza ceva special si ma reprezinta. Am purtat noii mei pantaloni scurti care imi plac enorm deoarece sunt confectionati din 2 materiale iar partea din fata este din piele ecologica ( love, love, love ). I-am combinat cu o bluzita din voal cu inimioare si cu accesorii roz. 
Imi place mult rezultatul combinatiei dintre elementele rock: negrul, pielea si cele mai feminine: bluza cu inimioare si din voal si accesoriile roz.
Sper sa va placa si voua!

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luni, 27 mai 2013

Roses with a print

Hello lovelies! 
I hope this is the start of a great week! First of all don't forget to check out our giveaway here. You know I've been saying on and on that versatility is one of the things that I look for when I buy something. Well here it is action! Do you like my blouse? It's actually a dress that you've seen here and  now I wore it as a blouse. Now do you take my word when I say the magic is in the mixing?
Hope you like it!

Va urez un inceput de saptamana minunat! Am "predicat" de multe ori alegerea unor piese vestimentare ce pot fi utilizate in cat mai multe combinatii. Ei bine, acum vine si dovada! Va place bluzita mea din aceasta postare? Este de fapt rochita pe care ati vazut-o si aici. Bineinteles aceasta alaturare nu merge cu orice rochie din garderoba, dar cred ca nu multe dintre noi s-ar fi gandit la o astfel de combinatie. Nu uitati sa va inscrieti in concursul nostru!
Sper sa va placa!
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vineri, 24 mai 2013


1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

Hello lovelies! As promised, here we have a lovely giveaway. You can win one of the items in the photo: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8.  The giveaway will last 10 days and the winner will be chosen using 
Here's what you have to do to participate:
1. Sign up as a member of;
2. Follow at least one of following accounts:
3. Like our Facebook Page The Lovely Darlings
4. Follow us with Google Friend Connect 
5. For more chances to win, share this photo and leave the link in the comment or just tell us that you shared it
6. Leave a comment with - the email you signed up on
- your Facebook name
- the name you followed us on GFC
- the address, name, account you followed one of those accounts
- the link of the share ( in case you shared the photo)

Asa cum am promis, am revenit cu un giveaway foarte dragut. Puteti castiga unul din articolele de vestimentatie din poza de mai sus: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8. Concursul dureaza 10 zile si castigatoarea va fi aleasa cu ajutorul
Regulile de participare sunt urmatoarele:

1. Inscrie-te pe

2. Urmareste cel putin unul din urmatoarele conturi:

3. Da like paginii noastre de facebook: The Lovely Darlings

4. Urmareste-ne prin Google Friend Connect

5. Daca doriti mai multe sanse de castig, dati share acestei poze si lasati link-ul in comentariu ( astfel vor fi 2 intrari in concurs) sau doar spuneti ca ati dat share si vom verifica noi

6. Lasa un comentariu cu:
- adresa de email pe care ai folosit-o la inscrierea pe
- numele GFC
-numele tau de Facebook
- adresa de mail/ contul/ numele pe care l-ai folosit pentru a urmari unul din conturile de mai sus si link-ul de la share ( in cazul ati dat share pozei de concurs)

Good luck!

UPDATE: Unfortunately because of the small number of entries the sponsor decided the giveaway it's not valid. We thank you for your interest and hope you'll come back again.

joi, 23 mai 2013

100 posts, 101 dots

Hello lovelies!! 
Well we made it through here! This is our 100th post! We can't believe time flied away like this. We hope you enjoyed our posts till now and you could find some inspiration in them.Check out the blog tomorrow because we have a surprise for you. A giveaway to celebrate this milestone! 

Am ajuns si aici! 100 de posturi! 
Privind inapoi ni se pare ca timpul a trecut foarte repede. Speram ca v-au placut si v-au inspirat alegerile noastre. Maine avem o surpriza pentru voi  asa ca nu uitati sa vizitati blogul pentru a vedea despre ce este vorba!
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For more pictures click here

marți, 21 mai 2013

Black and gold

Hello lovelies!
I have to say that even though I wanted summer to come, I didn't expected these extremely warm days so soon. Last week I enjoyed a beautiful day with my darling, the weather was great and we went shopping and then we took some pictures in the park,
I chose a comfortable outfit , perfect for long walks, I wore my new golden flats that I absolutely love and this blouse that has an amazing print and it's so soft <3
I hope you'll like it!

Astept de mult timp sa vina zilele calduroase si vara dar nu ma asteptam ca ele sa vina asa brusc si sa nu ne bucuram de vremea perfecta care ar trebui sa fie primavara. Din fericire, saptamana trecuta m-am bucurat impreuna cu darling de o zi perfecta, am fost la cumparaturi, apoi ne-am plimbat prin parc si am facut poze.
Am purtat ceva foarte comfortabil si perfect pentru plimbari lungi: noii mei balerini aurii care imi plac enorm si aceasta bluzita care are un model superb si este foarte fina <3
Sper sa va placa!

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sâmbătă, 18 mai 2013

Casual print

Hello lovelies!
How is your week end? Hope you are having fun and enjoying the free time. I don't know if you remember but I had an obsession for printed pants some time ago (you can check it out here) and my thirst for them fade away only I bought this pair. And may I say not completely! I love it because of the feminine touch and I chose to wear them with a casual simple white tee, that I also wanted in such a long while. 
Hope you like it!

Sper ca va bucurati de vremea frumoasa si de timpul liber cat mai mult. Nu stiu daca va amintiti, dar acum ceva timp am fost putin "preocupata" cu gasirea unei perechi de pantaloni imprimati (puteti sa vedeti aici). Ei bine, nu m-am lasat si mi-am gasit "perechea". Am ales sa-i asortez cu un tricou alb simplu (mie mi se pare ca in ultima vreme piesele clasice se gasesc tot mai greu) pentru a-i lasa pe ei sa fie "vedeta" outfitului.
Sper sa va placa!
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joi, 16 mai 2013

Casual camo

Hello lovelies! If you didn't noticed by now, I must tell you that I love the military trend: camouflage clothes, khaki and parkas, love them! I wanted a pair of camo pants for a long, long time and now I finally found them!
I wanted to create a simple yet chic outfit so I added a simple top with a sparkly back, my favorite platforms and many gold accessories!
Hope you'll like it!

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vineri, 10 mai 2013

Sporty chic

Hello lovelies! 
For today's post I chose something a little bit out of my comfort zone. For a while now I see this mixture of sporty and classy items. At first I have to say it wasn't my favorite trend. I was still hung up on the idea that sport pieces shouldn't be mixed with a lace skirt for example. But as I kept seeing more and more combo's I started liking this kind of mixture and today I decide to show you one. It's not an extreme one but I'm taking baby steps. What do you think of this kind of outfits? Do you like them? Or you didn't get used to them yet?

De ceva vreme am tot observat combinatii sporty chic atat pe podiumuri cat si in diverse sectiuni de street style. Trebuie sa recunosc ca la inceput nu mi-a placut acest tip de outfit. Nu mi se parea potrivita o sapca sport pentru o tinuta eleganta. Intotdeauna am crezut ca piesele sport si cele elegante nu merg impreuna. Insa incet, incet am descoperit combinatii care mi s-au parut intr-adevar reusite si am adaptat acest trend gustului meu. De exemplu, nu mie nu prea imi sta bine cu sapca. Asa ca am ales sa combin o bluza sport si o fustita mai feminina. De asemenea pe lista mea de achizitii se afla o jacheta sport, tip baseball. Voi ce parere aveti despre acest trend? Ati purta o astfel de tinuta?

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miercuri, 8 mai 2013

Pink cricket

Hello lovelies! I am back from the mini holiday that was pretty amazing! Here you have another outfit that I wore at the beach, very comfortable.  I wanted to wear my new t-shirt that I like so much because of the animal print heart and the shape, someone told me I look like a cricket, so funny.
Hope you had a great time these days, I know I did and I can't wait for summer to come!

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luni, 6 mai 2013

Royal blue for Easter

Hello lovelies!
How is your week? I'm still enjoying my Easter break. Speaking of Easter I hope you all had a wonderful time whether you were on a trip or next to your dear ones. I love it when we all gather around the table and we enjoy some traditional meals and talk about everything. Here we have a traditiona that you should wear something new when you go to church on Easter day. And that's what I did. I wore this royal blue dress that I love. This was my Easter outfit.
Hope you like it!

Hristos a inviat! Sper ca ati petrecut momente minunate alaturi de cei dragi si ati avut timp sa va incarcati bateriile pana la urmatoarea vacanta. Mie mi-au placut intotdeauna sarbatorile in care ne strangeam toti si petreceam ore in sir vorbind despre orice si savurand bunatatile pregatite pentru aceasta ocazie. Inca de cand eram mica mi-a placut traditia "innoitului" de Paste. Si in acest an am respectat traditia si am purtat ceva nou in ziua de Paste. Am ales aceasta rochita albastru regal si obsesia mea pantofiorii roz. Imi place foarte mult acest tip de combinatie coloristica. Voi ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa!

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sâmbătă, 4 mai 2013

Loving the sea

Hello lovelies!! I am having the best time at the sea spending Easter with my love. We took advantage of the amazing weather and spent some time at the beach relaxing and taking photos.
I found some flowers in our garden and I made a beautiful headband. I wore really comfy clothes: a pair of shorts and a pretty white top.
Hope you'll enjoy the photos and I wish you all a happy Easter!

Hello lovelies! Azi va arat cateva poze de la plaja. Am venit la mare pentru cateva zile cu iubitul meu pentru a petrece Pastele. Ieri am mers pentru cateva ore pe plaja, ne-am plimbat si am facut multe pozite. Vremea este superba si plaja e minunata fara sutele de persoane care sunt pe timpul verii.
Cum am ajuns, am gasit cateva floricele prin gradina si am facut o coronita tare draguta. Am purtat ceva foarte comfortabil perfect pentru plaja: o bluzita alba foarte lejera si o pereche de pantaloni scurti.
Sper sa va placa si va urez Paste Fericit alaturi de cei dragi!

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joi, 2 mai 2013

A walk in the park

Hello lovelies!I bought this denim jacket some time ago and I have been thinking what outfit should I wear in order to fully emphasize her beauty. And after some time I came up with the idea of pairing it with this crochet dress that I love. I added this lovely hat and my slim rings and I think the result is really nice. What do you think about it? 
Hope you like it!

Am achizitionat acum ceva timp aceasta jacheta din denim si m-am tot gandit in ce combinatie sa o port astfel incat sa evidentiez cat mai mult frumusetea ei. Cred ca o astfel de piesa este "nemuritoare", nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din garderoba nimanui. Dupa multe "gandiri si razgandiri" am ales aceasta rochita care pare a fi crosetata. Mie imi place foarte mult contrastul dintre materialul jachetei si cel al rochitei. Voi ce parere aveti?
Sper sa va placa!

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